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Direct access: 劇薬 , 激励 , 下校 , 夏至 , 下車 , 下宿 , 下旬 , 下女 , 下水 , 下駄


pronunciation: gekiyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drug
translation: powerful drug, deadly poison
related words: 毒薬


pronunciation: gekirei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: encouragement, cheer, stimulation
激励する: gekireisuru: encourage, cheer (v.), stimulate
synonyms: 鼓舞


pronunciation: gekou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: home coming from school
下校する: gekousuru: come home from school
下校の際に: gekounosaini: on one's way from school <<<
下校の途中で: gekounotochuude <<< 途中
related words: 登校


pronunciation: geshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: summer solstice
夏至線: geshisen: Tropic of Cancer <<<
antonyms: 冬至


pronunciation: gesha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: alighting
下車する: geshasuru: get off [leave] (the train), get out (of a car), alight (from)
途中下車: tochuugesha: stopover <<< 途中
途中下車する: tochuugeshasuru: stop over, break one's journey <<< 途中
related words: 乗車


pronunciation: geshuku
kanji characters: , 宿
keyword: house
translation: lodging, boarding, pension
下宿する: geshukusuru: lodge (v.)
下宿人: geshukunin: lodger <<<
下宿屋: geshukuya: lodging (boarding, rooming) house, pension <<<
下宿料: geshukuryou: charge for lodging <<<
素人下宿: shiroutogeshuku: (amateur) boarding house, pension <<< 素人


pronunciation: gejun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: the last ten days of a month
antonyms: 上旬
related words: 中旬


pronunciation: gejo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: maidservant (anc.), housemaid
related words: 下男


pronunciation: gesui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town , house
translation: sewer (system), drain, sewerage, sewage, drainage
下水が支えた: gesuigatsukaeta: The drain is stopped up <<<
下水溜め: gesuidame: sink, cesspool <<<
下水口: gesuikou: sinkhole <<<
下水孔: gesuikou <<<
下水管: gesuikan: drainpipe, drains <<<
下水道: gesuidou: sewer <<<
下水工事: gesuikouji: sewerage (works) <<< 工事
下水処理場: gesuishorijou: sewage works [plant]
related words: 排水 , 水道


pronunciation: geta
kanji characters: ,
keyword: footwear
translation: wooden clogs, Japanese clogs
下駄を履く: getaohaku: put on clogs <<<
下駄を脱ぐ: getaonugu: put off clogs <<<
下駄履きで: getabakide: in clogs <<<
下駄を預ける: getaoazukeru: leave everything to a person <<<
下駄屋: getaya: clogshop, clogmaker <<<
下駄箱: getabako: boot cupboard <<<
related words: 草履 , サンダル

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