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Direct access: 厳重 , 現状 , 元帥 , 原生 , 原石 , 厳選 , 源泉 , 元素 , 幻想 , 原則


pronunciation: genjuu
kanji characters: ,
translation: severity, strictness, rigor, sterness
厳重な: genjuuna: severe, strict, rigorous, stern
厳重に: genjuuni: severely, strictly, rigorously, sternly


pronunciation: genjou
kanji characters: ,
translation: current state, status quo
現状態: genjoutai <<<
現状では: genjoudeha: under present conditions, as things stand now, in the existing circumstances
現状維持: genjouiji: maintain of a status quo <<< 維持
現状打破: genjoudaha: modification of a status quo


pronunciation: gensui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: military rank
translation: (field) marshal, general of the army
元帥杖: gensuijou: marshal's baton <<<
元帥刀: gensuitou: marshal's saber <<<
陸軍元帥: rikugungensui: field marshal <<< 陸軍


pronunciation: gensei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: prehistory
translation: proto
原生林: genseirin: virgin [primeval] forest <<<
原生代: genseidai: Proterozoic <<<
原生動物: genseidoubutsu: protozoan <<< 動物
原生植物: genseishokubutsu: protophyte, thallophyte <<< 植物
synonyms: 原始


pronunciation: genseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geology
translation: gemstone


pronunciation: gensen
kanji characters: ,
translation: careful selection [choice]
厳選する: gensensuru: select [choose] carefully
厳選した: gensenshita: carefully selected [chosen]


pronunciation: gensen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature , accounting
translation: fountainhead, source
源泉課税: gensenkazei: taxation at the source <<< 課税
源泉徴収: gensenchoushuu: collection of taxes at the source <<< 徴収


pronunciation: genso
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry , physics
translation: (chemical) element
金属元素: kinzokugenso: metallic element <<< 金属


pronunciation: gensou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: psychology
translation: fantasy, vision, illusion
幻想に耽る: gensounihukeru: cherish an illusion <<<
幻想的: gensouteki: fantastic, visionary, illusory <<<
幻想曲: gensoukyoku: fantasia, fantasy <<<
related words: 空想


pronunciation: gensoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: principle, rule, fundamental
原則として: gensokutoshite: in principle, as a rule

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