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Direct access: 概要 , 外来 , 概略 , 画家 , 雅楽 , 餓鬼 , 学位 , 学院 , 学園 , 学士


pronunciation: gaiyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: outline (n.), summary, r?sum?, abstract
概要を述べる: gaiyouonoberu: give an outline (of), outline (v.), sketch, summarize <<<
synonyms: 概略 , 大綱 , 抜粋


pronunciation: gairai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , nature
translation: foreign origin, coming from abroad, from the outside
外来の: gairaino: foreign, extern, from the outside
外来語: gairaigo: loanword <<<
外来種: gairaishu: foreign species <<<
外来植物: gairaishokubutsu: exotic plant <<< 植物
外来思想: gairaishisou: alien idea <<< 思想
外来患者: gairaikanja: outpatient <<< 患者
外来診察: gairaishinsatsu: outpatient clinic, ambulatory <<< 診察
外来診療: gairaishinryou <<< 診療
外来診療科: gairaishinryouka: outpatient department <<<
related words: 外国


pronunciation: gairyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: outline (n.), summary, r?sum?
概略を言えば: gairyakuoieba: roughly speaking <<<
概略を述べる: gairyakuonoberu: give an outline (of), outline (v.), sketch, summarize <<<
概略を記す: gairyakuokisu <<<
概略を示す: gairyakuoshimesu <<<
related words: 概要


pronunciation: gaka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: painter, artist
風刺画家: huushigaka: cartoonist, caricaturist <<< 風刺
肖像画家: shouzougaka: portrait painter, portraitist <<< 肖像
日曜画家: nichiyougaka: Sunday painter <<< 日曜
宮廷画家: kyuuteigaka: court painter <<< 宮廷
風景画家: huukeigaka: landscape painter <<< 風景
人物画家: jinbutsugaka: portrait painter <<< 人物
素人画家: shiroutogaka: hobby painter <<< 素人
パステル画家: pasuterugaka: pastelist <<< パステル


pronunciation: gagaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan , music
translation: gagaku (a Japanese classical music)


pronunciation: gaki
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ガキ
keyword: kids , buddhism
translation: mischievous chid, urchin, brat, starving soul, Tantalus
餓鬼道: gakidou: hell of hunger and thirst, torments of Tantalus <<<
餓鬼大将: gakidaishou: boss of the kids, cock of the school, bully <<< 大将
related words: 坊主


pronunciation: gakui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: (university) degree, doctorate
学位を取る: gakuiotoru: take a degree <<<
学位を持つ: gakuiomotsu: hold a degree <<<
学位を与える: gakuioataeru: grant a degree <<<
学位論文: gakuironbun: doctoral thesis [dissertation] <<< 論文
名誉学位: meiyogakui: honorable degree <<< 名誉


pronunciation: gakuin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: institute, academy, school
related words: 学校 , 学園 , アカデミー


pronunciation: gakuen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: educational institution
学園祭: gakuensai: school [campus] festival <<<
学園の自由: gakuennnojiyuu: academic freedom <<< 自由
related words: 学校 , 学院


pronunciation: gakushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: bachelor, university graduate
学士号: gakushigou: bachelor's degree <<<
学士会: gakushikai: university alumni association <<<
学士会館: gakushikaikan: university graduates' club <<< 会館
文学士: bungakushi: bachelor of arts <<<
理学士: rigakushi: bachelor of science <<<
法学士: hougakushi: bachelor of laws, LLB <<<
related words: 博士

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