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Direct access: 強情 , 合成 , 豪邸 , 強盗 , 合弁 , 合法 , 傲慢 , 拷問 , 強欲 , 合流


pronunciation: goujou
kanji characters: ,
translation: stubbornness, waywardness, obstinacy
強情な: goujouna: stubborn, wayward, obstinate
強情を張る: goujouoharu: be obstinate, stick to one's opinion, persist, insist, keep a stiff upper lip <<<
related words: 頑固


pronunciation: gousei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry , biology
translation: composition, synthesis
合成の: gouseino: composite, compound
合成する: gouseisuru: compound, synthesize
合成語: gouseigo: compound word <<<
合成酒: gouseishu: compound sake <<<
合成物: gouseibutsu: compound [composite, synthetic] product <<<
合成物質: gouseibusshitsu: synthetic material <<< 物質
合成樹脂: gouseijushi: plastics <<< 樹脂 , プラスチック
合成繊維: gouseisenni: synthetic fiber <<< 繊維
合成洗剤: gouseisenzai: synthetic detergent <<< 洗剤
合成写真: gouseishashin: composite photo <<< 写真
合成ゴム: gouseigomu: synthetic rubber <<< ゴム
光合成: kougousei: photosynthesis <<<


pronunciation: goutei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: fine house


pronunciation: goutou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: robber, burglar, mugger, robbery, holdup, burglary, heist
強盗する: goutousuru: rob
強盗を働く: goutouohataraku <<<
強盗団: goutoudan: band [gang] of robbers, bunch of crooks <<<
強盗殺人: goutousatsujin: murder with robbery as a motive <<< 殺人
銀行強盗: ginkougoutou: bank robbery <<< 銀行
拳銃強盗: kenjuugoutou: holdup <<< 拳銃
覆面強盗: hukumengoutou: masked robber <<< 覆面
集団強盗: shuudangoutou: gang of burglars <<< 集団
ピストル強盗: pisutorugoutou: hold-up <<< ピストル
synonyms: 盗賊


pronunciation: gouben
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: joint venture
合弁の: goubennno: joint
合弁事業: goubenjigyou: joint venture <<< 事業
合弁会社: goubengaisha: joint venture (cooperation) <<< 会社


pronunciation: gouhou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: lawfulness, legality
合法な: gouhouna: lawful, legal, legitimate
合法的: gouhouteki <<<
合法的に: gouhoutekini: lawfully, legally, legitimately
合法化: gouhouka: legalization <<<
合法化する: gouhoukasuru: legalize
合法と認める: gouhoutomitomeru: legitimize <<<
antonyms: 違法


pronunciation: gouman
kanji characters: ,
translation: haughtiness, arrogance, hubris
傲慢な: goumannna: haughty, arrogant, insolent, proud
related words: 高慢 , 自惚れ


pronunciation: goumon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: torture (n.)
拷問に掛ける: goumonnnikakeru: torture (v.), put (a person) to torture <<<
拷問台: goumondai: rack <<<


pronunciation: gouyoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: avarice, rapacity
強欲な: gouyokuna: greedy, covetous, avaricious
synonyms: 貪欲


pronunciation: gouryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature , travel
translation: junction, confluence, meeting, encounter
合流する: gouryuusuru: join, meet, flow into, unite oneself (with)
合流点: gouryuuten: confluence (of rivers) <<<

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