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Direct access: 極上 , 極道 , 極秘 , 後家 , 語圏 , 語源 , 午後 , 誤差 , 茣蓙 , 後生


pronunciation: gokujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: selection, extra (n.)
極上の: gokujouno: superb, prime, extra (a.)
極上品: gokujouhin: quality goods <<<


pronunciation: gokudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: hoodlumism, hooliganism, vandalism
極道者: gokudoumono: villain, rake, hoodlum, hooligan, vandal <<<


pronunciation: gokuhi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , war
translation: top secret
極秘の: gokuhino: strictly confidential
極秘に付する: gokuhinihusuru: keep a close (strict) secret <<<
極秘裏に: gokuhirini: in the strictest secrecy <<<
極秘書類: gokuhishorui: confidential documents <<< 書類
related words: 秘密


pronunciation: goke
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: widow, widowhood
後家に成る: gokeninaru: lose one's husband <<<
後家で通す: gokedetoosu: remain a widow <<<
synonyms: 未亡人


pronunciation: goken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: linguistic area


pronunciation: gogen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: origin [deviation] of a word, etymology
語源の: gogennno: etymological
語源を調べる: gogennoshiraberu: trace a word to its origin, study the etymology (of a word) <<< 調
語源学: gogengaku: etymology <<<
語源学者: gogengakusha: etymologist <<< 学者


pronunciation: gogo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: afternoon (n.)
午後に: gogoni: in the afternoon
午後の: gogono: afternoon (a.)
午後三時に: gogosanjini: at three in the afternoon, at 3 pm <<< 三時
本日午後: honjitsugogo: this afternoon <<< 本日
antonyms: 午前


pronunciation: gosa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: error, aberration


pronunciation: goza
other spells: ゴザ
keyword: furniture
translation: mat, matting
茣蓙を敷く: gozaoshiku: spread a mat <<<
茣蓙を敷いた: gozaoshiita: matted
related words: マット


pronunciation: goshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism
translation: future life
後生大事に: goshoudaijini: most carefully, at all costs <<< 大事

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