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Direct access: 我流 , 瓦礫 , 画廊 , 眼科 , 眼球 , 頑強 , 眼鏡 , 玩具 , 頑固 , 贋作


pronunciation: garyuu
kanji characters: ,
translation: one's own way [method, style]
我流で: garyuude: in one's own way [method, style]


pronunciation: gareki
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ガレキ
keyword: disaster
translation: debris, rubbish
瓦礫の山: garekinoyama: heap of rubble <<<


pronunciation: garou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: art [picture] gallery
画廊主: garounushi: gallery owner <<<
related words: ギャラリー


pronunciation: ganka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: ophthalmology
眼科の: gankano: ophthalmologic, ophthalmic
眼科医: gankai: oculist, eye doctor (specialist), ophthalmologist <<<
眼科医院: gankaiin: ophthalmic hospital <<< 医院


pronunciation: gankyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: eyeball
related words: 目玉


pronunciation: gankyou
kanji characters: ,
translation: stiffness, obstinacy, resistance, tenacity
頑強な: gankyouna: stiff, stubborn, adamant, dogged, obstinate, tenacious
頑強な抵抗: gankyounateikou: stubborn [stiff] resistance <<< 抵抗
頑強に: gankyouni: stubbornly, doggedly
頑強に抵抗する: gankyouniteikousuru: resist stubbornly


pronunciation: gankyou, megane
kanji characters: ,
other spells: メガネ
keyword: accessory , optics
translation: (pair of) glasses [spectacles]
眼鏡を掛ける: meganeokakeru: wear [put on] spectacles <<<
眼鏡を掛けた: meganeokaketa: with glasses, bespectacled
眼鏡を外す: meganeohazusu: take off one's glasses <<<
眼鏡の縁: meganenohuchi: rim of glasses, spectacle frame <<<
眼鏡のフレーム: meganenohureemu
眼鏡の弦: meganenotsuru: leg of glasses <<<
眼鏡の玉: meganenotama: spectacles glass, ophthalmic lens <<<
眼鏡入れ: meganeire: spectacle case <<<
眼鏡ケース: meganekeesu <<< ケース
眼鏡に適う: meganenikanau: win a person's heart, find favor with <<<
眼鏡越しに: meganegoshini: over (the rim of) one's spectacles [glasses] <<<
眼鏡越しに見る: meganegoshinimiru: look over (the rim of) one's spectacles, glance at (a person) from over one's glasses <<<
眼鏡屋: meganeya: optician <<<
片眼鏡: katamegane: monocle <<<
鼻眼鏡: hanamegane: pince-nez <<<
遠視眼鏡: enshigankyou: glasses for the longsighted <<< 遠視
水中眼鏡: suichuumegane: swimming goggles <<< 水中
蜻蛉眼鏡: tonbomegane: granny [grannie] glasses <<< 蜻蛉


pronunciation: gangu, omocha
kanji characters:
keyword: game
translation: toy, plaything
玩具にする: omochanisuru: toy [play, trifle] with, make a playing of
玩具屋: omochaya: merchant of toys, toy shop <<<
玩具商: gangushou: merchant of toys <<<
玩具店: ganguten: toy shop <<<


pronunciation: ganko
kanji characters: ,
translation: stubbornness, obstinacy, bigotry
頑固な: gankona: stubborn, obstinate, bigoted, headstrong, persistent
頑固な病気: gankonabyouki: inveterate disease <<< 病気
頑固に: gankoni: stubbornly, obstinately
頑固者: gankomono: pighead, bullhead, stubborn person <<<
頑固親父: gankooyaji: obstinate old man <<< 親父
synonyms: 強情


pronunciation: gansaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: counterfeiting, forgery, forging
synonyms: 偽物

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