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Direct access: 権益 , 検閲 , 喧嘩 , 見解 , 見学 , 研究 , 検挙 , 謙虚 , 献金 , 県警


pronunciation: kenneki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: rights and interests
権益擁護: kennekiyougo: protection of rights and interests <<< 擁護
権益を擁護する: kennekioyougosuru: protect rights and interests
権益を守る: kennekiomamoru <<<


pronunciation: kennetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media , book
translation: inspection, examination, censorship
検閲する: kennetsusuru: inspect, examine, censor
検閲官: kennetsukan: inspector, examiner, censor <<<
検閲済: kennetsuzumi: passed inspection, censored <<<
検閲をパスする: kennetsuopasusuru: pass censorship <<< パス


pronunciation: kenka
kanji characters:
other spells: ケンカ
translation: quarrel (n.), dispute, brawl, scuffle, fight, squabble, spat
喧嘩する: kenkasuru: quarrel (v.), have a quarrel (with), dispute, brawl, fight, come to blows, fall out with (a person)
喧嘩の種: kenkanotane: cause of a quarrel, bone of contention <<<
喧嘩を買う: kenkaokau: take up a quarrel <<<
喧嘩早い: kenkabayai: quarrelsome, contentious <<<
喧嘩好きの: kenkazukino <<<
喧嘩腰の: kenkagoshino: quarrelsome, defiant, cantankerous, bellicose <<<
喧嘩別れする: kenkawakaresuru: split up (after a dispute) <<<
喧嘩を売る: kenkaouru: provoke (a person) to a quarrel, pick a quarrel (with a person) <<<
喧嘩を仕掛る: kenkaoshikakeru <<< 仕掛
口喧嘩: kuchigenka: quarrel (n.) <<<
口喧嘩する: kuchigenkasuru: quarrel (v.), have words (with)
犬の喧嘩: inunokenka: dogfight <<<
兄弟喧嘩: kyoudaigenka: quarrel between brothers <<< 兄弟
夫婦喧嘩: huuhugenka: domestic scene <<< 夫婦
仲間喧嘩: nakamagenka: split among friends, dissension <<< 仲間


pronunciation: kenkai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: opinion, point of view, interpretation
見解を異にする: kenkaiokotonisuru: hold [have] a different view [opinion], differ in opinion (from a person), disagree (with a person) <<<
見解を一にする: kenkaioichinisuru: be of the same opinion (with a person), concur (with a person) <<<
見解が一致する: kenkaigaitchisuru: agree to, pull together <<< 一致
見解の相違だ: kenkainosouida: That is a matter of opinion <<< 相違
私の見解では: watashinokenkaideha: in my opinion [view] <<<
公式見解: koushikikenkai: deliverance <<< 公式
統一見解: touitsukenkai: consensus <<< 統一
独自の見解: dokujinokenkai: one's personal views <<< 独自
related words: 意見 , コメント


pronunciation: kengaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: inspection, observation, visit (n.), tour (n.)
見学する: kengakusuru: inspect, observe, visit (v.), tour (v.)
見学者: kengakusha: visitor <<<
見学旅行: kengakuryokou: field (observation) trip <<< 旅行
野外見学: yagaikengaku: field trip <<< 野外


pronunciation: kenkyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: study (n.), research (n.)
研究する: kenkyuusuru: study (v.), research (v.)
研究者: kenkyuusha: researcher <<<
研究員: kenkyuuin <<<
研究費: kenkyuuhi: research expenses [funds] <<<
研究所: kenkyuusho, kenkyuujo: research institute [laboratory] <<<
研究室: kenkyuushitsu: study room, laboratory, seminar (in university) <<<
研究心: kenkyuushin: spirit of inquiry, love of study <<<
研究方法: kenkyuuhouhou: method of study [research], methodology <<< 方法
研究材料: kenkyuuzairyou: materials [data] for research work <<< 材料
研究試料: kenkyuushiryou <<< 試料
古典研究: kotenkenkyuu: classics, humanities <<< 古典
心霊研究: shinreikenkyuu: psychic research <<< 心霊
synonyms: 究明


pronunciation: kenkyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: arrest, roundup
検挙する: kenkyosuru: arrest (v.), round up
検挙者: kenkyosha: person in custody <<<
一斉検挙: isseikenkyo: wholesale arrest, round-up <<< 一斉


pronunciation: kenkyo
kanji characters: ,
translation: humbleness, humility, modesty
謙虚な: kenkyona: humble, modest, unassuming
謙虚に: kenkyoni: humbly, modestly


pronunciation: kenkin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: gift of money, contribution, donation, offertory, collection
献金する: kenkinsuru: contribute, donate, make a contribution
献金者: kenkinsha: contributor, donor <<<
政治献金: seijikenkin: political donation <<< 政治


pronunciation: kenkei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security
translation: prefectural police

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