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Direct access: 海里 , 解離 , 乖離 , 怪力 , 海流 , 改良 , 懐炉 , 回路 , 会話 , 火炎


pronunciation: kairi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sea , unit
translation: nautical [sea] mile


pronunciation: kairi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: dissociation
解離する: kairisuru: dissociate
解離定数: kairiteisuu: dissociation constant <<< 定数


pronunciation: kairi
kanji characters:
keyword: psychology
translation: estrangement, alienation
乖離する: kairisuru: alienate


pronunciation: kairiki
kanji characters: ,
translation: supernatural strength, Herculean strength
怪力を奮う: kairikiohuruu: deploy Herculean strength <<<
怪力の男: kairikinootoko: man of marvelous physical strength, a Hercules, A Samson <<<
怪力の持主: kairikinomochinushi <<< 持主


pronunciation: kairyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sea
translation: (maritime) current
日本海流: nihonkairyuu: the Japan current <<< 日本
赤道海流: sekidoukairyuu: equatorial current <<< 赤道


pronunciation: kairyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: improvement, reform, reformation, refinement
改良する: kairyousuru: improve, reform, ameliorate, make better, amend
改良種: kairyoushu: select breed <<<
改良主義: kairyoushugi: reformism <<< 主義
品種改良: hinshukairyou: improvement of breed, plant breeding <<< 品種
synonyms: 改善


pronunciation: kairo
kanji characters: ,
other spells: カイロ
keyword: accessory
translation: body warmer, pocket heater
懐炉を入れる: kairooireru: carry a pocket heater <<<


pronunciation: kairo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: electricity
translation: circuit, network
回路素子: kairososhi: circuitry
回路設計: kairosekkei <<< 設計
回路定数: kairoteisuu: circuit constant <<< 定数
回路遮断機: kairoshadanki: circuit breaker
高圧回路: kouatsukairo: high-tension circuit <<< 高圧
一次回路: ichijikairo: primary circuit <<< 一次
同調回路: douchoukairo: tuning circuit <<< 同調
二次冷却回路: nijireikyakukairo: secondary cooling circuit <<< 二次
振動回路: shindoukairo: oscillation circuit <<< 振動
アンテナ回路: antenakairo: antenna circuit <<< アンテナ
related words: 回線 , サーキット


pronunciation: kaiwa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: conversation, dialogue
会話の: kaiwano: conversational, colloquial
会話する: kaiwasuru: converse, talk
会話を交わす: kaiwaokawasu <<<
会話が巧い: kaiwagaumai: speak well, be good at speaking <<<
会話が拙い: kaiwagamazui: not speak well, be bad at speaking <<<
会話体: kaiwatai: colloquialism <<<
会話術: kaiwajutsu: conversation technique <<<
英会話: eikaiwa: conversation in English <<<
仏会話: hutsukaiwa: conversation in French <<<
独会話: dokukaiwa: conversation in German <<<
西会話: seikaiwa: conversation in Spanish <<< 西
日常会話: nichijoukaiwa: daily conversation <<< 日常


pronunciation: kaen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weapon
translation: flame, blaze
火炎に包まれる: kaennnitsutsumareru: be enveloped in flames <<<
火炎瓶: kaenbin: Molotov cocktail, home-made fire bomb <<<
火炎放射器: kaenhoushaki: flame thrower

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