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Direct access: 倹約 , 兼用 , 絢爛 , 権利 , 権力 , 故意 , 恋心 , 此奴 , 小犬 , 恋人


pronunciation: kennyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: economy, thrift, frugality
倹約の: kennyakuno: economical, thrifty, saving, frugal
倹約の為: kennyakunotame: for economy's sake <<<
倹約する: kennyakusuru: economize (in), be thrifty [frugal], practice economy, save money
倹約家: kennyakuka: thrifty [frugal] person, economizer <<<
synonyms: 節約


pronunciation: kennyou
kanji characters: ,
translation: multipurpose (thing)
兼用の: kennyouno: multipurpose
兼用する: kennyousuru: use (a thing) both as A and B
兼用に成る: kennyouninaru: serve both as [for] A and B <<<


pronunciation: kenran
kanji characters:
keyword: decoration
translation: gorgeousness, splendor, magnificence
絢爛たる: kenrantaru: gorgeous, brilliant, bright, flowery, splendid, magnificent
synonyms: 華麗 , 豪華


pronunciation: kenri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law , finance
translation: right, claim, privilege
権利が有る: kenrigaaru: privileged, deserved <<<
権利を与える: kenrioataeru: entitle, enable <<<
権利を譲る: kenrioyuzuru: transfer [hand over] the right <<<
権利を譲渡する: kenriojoutosuru <<< 譲渡
権利を放棄する: kenriohoukisuru: renounce one's rights, release one's right <<< 放棄
権利放棄: kenrihouki: a release, waiver
権利を得る: kenrioeru: get a right <<<
権利を取得する: kenrioshutokusuru <<< 取得
権利を行使する: kenriokoushisuru: exercise one's rights <<< 行使
権利者: kenrisha: holder of a right, entitled person <<<
権利株: kenrikabu: potential shares <<<
権利金: kenrikin: key money <<<
権利書: kenrisho: certificate of title, title deed <<<
権利証書: kenrishousho <<< 証書
権利義務: kenrigimu: right and obligation <<< 義務
当然の権利: touzennnokenri: undoubted right <<< 当然


pronunciation: kenryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: (political) power, influence, authority
権力の有る: kenryokunoaru: powerful <<<
権力の無い: kenryokunonai: powerless <<<
権力に屈する: kenryokunikussuru: succumb to authority <<<
権力を揮う: kenryokuohuruu: exercise one's authority <<<
権力を握る: kenryokuonigiru: assume authority, come into power <<<
権力争い: kenryokuarasoi: power struggle <<<
権力者: kenryokusha: powerful man, influential person <<<
権力欲: kenryokuyoku: lust for power <<<
国家権力: kokkakenryoku: state [governmental] authority <<< 国家


pronunciation: koi
kanji characters: ,
translation: intention, intent, purpose, deliberation, premeditation
故意の: koino: intentional, willful, deliberate, premeditated
故意に: koini: intentionally, purposely, on purpose, deliberately, designedly, with premeditation
故意でない: koidenai: unintentional


pronunciation: koigokoro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: one's love (for)
恋心を抱く: koigokorooidaku: feel affection for <<<


pronunciation: koitsu, koyatsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: this fellow [guy]
此奴め: koitsume: You villain [scoundrel, wretch]
此奴ら: koitsura: these guys
此奴は良い: koitsuwaii: It's not bad <<<


pronunciation: koinu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 子犬
keyword: pet
translation: puppy dog


pronunciation: koibito
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: sweetheart, lover, love, boy-friend
恋人同士: koibitodoushi: couple of lovers <<< 同士
related words: 愛人

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