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Direct access: 孝行 , 考古学 , 広告 , 恍惚 , 交互 , 皇后 , 交差 , 虹彩 , 交際 , 工作


pronunciation: koukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: filial duty, piety
孝行な: koukouna: dutiful, obedient
孝行する: koukousuru: be dutiful, obedient, devoted
孝行息子: koukoumusuko: dutiful son <<< 息子
親孝行: oyakoukou: filial duty, devotion to one's parents <<<
女房孝行の: nyouboukoukouno: doting, uxorious <<< 女房
antonyms: 不孝


pronunciation: koukogaku
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: history
translation: archeology
考古学の: koukogakuno: archeological
考古学者: koukogakusha: archeologist <<<


pronunciation: koukoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media , advertisement
translation: advertisement, ad, notice, announcement, publicity
広告する: koukokusuru: advertise, announce, publicize
広告を出す: koukokuodasu <<<
広告者: koukokusha: advertiser <<<
広告塔: koukokutou: poster column, ad pillar <<<
広告費: koukokuhi: outlay for advertisement <<<
広告料: koukokuryou: advertisement rate <<<
広告欄: koukokuran: advertisement column <<<
広告業: koukokugyou: advertising business <<<
広告業者: koukokugyousha: publicity [advertising] agent <<< 業者
広告代理店: koukokudairiten
広告放送: koukokuhousou: commercial broadcast <<< 放送
広告媒体: koukokubaitai: advertising material [medium] <<< 媒体
広告ビラ: koukokubira: bill, handbill, poster <<< ビラ
広告マン: koukokuman: adperson, crier
広告屋: koukokuya <<<
誇大広告: kodaikoukoku: exaggerated advertisement <<< 誇大
求職広告: kyuushokukoukoku: advertise for a situation, want ad <<< 求職
求人広告: kyuujinkoukoku: job advertisement, want ad <<< 求人
募集広告: boshuukoukoku: advertisements for recruiting <<< 募集
死亡広告: shiboukoukoku: announcement of death <<< 死亡
全面広告: zenmenkoukoku: full-page advertisement <<< 全面
新聞広告: shinpunkoukoku: newspaper advertisement <<< 新聞
スポット広告: supottokoukoku: spot commercial (on TV) <<< スポット
related words: 宣伝


pronunciation: koukotsu
kanji characters:
translation: fascination, ecstasy, rapture, trance
恍惚とさせる: koukotsutosaseru: charm, enrapture, enchant, fascinate
恍惚とする: koukotsutosuru: be enraptured [charmed, enchanted]
恍惚として: koukotsutoshite: in an ecstasy, in raptures, in a trance, spellbound
恍惚の人: koukotsunohito, <<<


pronunciation: kougo
kanji characters: ,
translation: reciprocity
交互の: kougono: reciprocal, mutual, alternate
交互に: kougoni: reciprocally, mutually, alternately, by turns
交互作用: kougosayou: interaction, reciprocal action <<< 作用
synonyms: 相互


pronunciation: kougou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: empress, queen
皇后陛下: kougouheika: Her Majesty the Empress <<< 陛下
マチルダ皇后: machirudakougou: Empress Matilda <<< マチルダ
related words: 皇帝


pronunciation: kousa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: intersection, crossing
交差する: kousasuru: cross (v.), intersect
交差した: kousashita: crossed
交差点: kousaten: crossing (point), intersection, junction <<<
水準交差: suijunkousa: contour crossing <<< 水準
平面交差: heimenkousa: grade crossing, level crossing <<< 平面
立体交差: rittaikousa: two-level crossing, grade separation <<< 立体


pronunciation: kousai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: iris
虹彩炎: kousaien: iritis <<<
related words: 眼球


pronunciation: kousai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: acquaintance, companionship, dealing, association
交際する: kousaisuru: acquaint, deal with, associate
交際の有る: kousainoaru <<<
交際が広い: kousaigahiroi: have large social connections, have a large circle of acquaintance <<<
交際が浅い: kousaigaasai: be not well acquainted <<<
交際を絶つ: kousaiotatsu: break off, sever connections <<<
交際費: kousaihi: social expenses <<<
交際家: kousaika: sociable person, social man [lady] <<<
交際範囲: kousaihanni: circle of acquaintance <<< 範囲
交際仲間: kousainakama: one's associates, one's group of friends <<< 仲間
援助交際: enjokousai: schoolgirls' concealed prostitution <<< 援助
related words: 付合


pronunciation: kousaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: industry , crime
translation: work, construction, handicraft
工作する: kousakusuru: work (v.), build, construct, juggle
工作品: kousakuhin: handicraft <<<
工作物: kousakubutsu: workpiece <<<
工作員: kousakuin: operative, spy <<<
工作船: kousakusen: repairing ship, spy ship <<<
工作場: kousakujou: workshop <<<
工作機械: kousakukikai: machine tool <<< 機械
破壊工作: hakaikousaku: sabotage, subversive activities <<< 破壊

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