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Direct access: 過激 , 蜉蝣 , 陽炎 , 下限 , 加減 , 過去 , 加工 , 下降 , 火口 , 河口


pronunciation: kageki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: violence
過激な: kagekina: excessive, violent, radical
過激に: kagekini: excessively, violently, radically
過激派: kagekiha: radicals, extremists <<<
過激分子: kagekibunshi: radical element, extremist <<< 分子
過激思想: kagekishisou: radical [revolutionary] idea <<< 思想
過激主義: kagekishugi: extremism <<< 主義
synonyms: 暴力


pronunciation: kagerou
other spells: 蜻蛉
keyword: insect
translation: dayfly, ephemera, dragonfly (anc.)
蜉蝣の様な: kagerounoyouna: ephemeral, short-lived <<<
蜉蝣の命: kagerounoinochi: ephemeral life [existence] <<<
related words: 蜻蛉


pronunciation: kagerou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: heat haze, shimmer of the air
陽炎が立つ: kagerougatatsu: The air shimmers <<<
陽炎現象: kagerougenshou: schlieren <<< 現象


pronunciation: kagen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: lower limit, minimum
related words: 上限


pronunciation: kagen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food , mathematics
translation: degree, extent, taste, flavor (n.), seasoning, health, condition, adjustment, regulation, moderation, allowance, influence, addition and subtraction
加減する: kagensuru: moderate, adjust, regulate, modulate, make allowance for, flavor (v.)
加減を見る: kagennomiru: taste (v.), try the flavor <<<
加減が良い: kagengaii: be [feel] well, be in good condition <<<
加減が悪い: kagengawarui: be [feel] unwell [ill], be in bad condition <<<
加減乗除: kagenjoujo: addition subtraction multiplication and division, four rules of arithmetic
味加減: ajikagen: seasoning <<<
味加減が良い: ajikagengaii: be well seasoned <<<
味加減が悪い: ajikagengawarui: be badly seasoned <<<
匙加減: sajikagen: prescription, allowance, manipulation <<<
匙加減をする: sajikagennosuru: use one's discretion, make allowance (for)
手加減する: tekagensuru <<<
手加減: tekagen: allowance, knack, discretion
好い加減な: iikagennna: random, halfway, indifferent <<<
好い加減に: iikagennni: at random, indifferently
好い加減にやる: iikagennniyaru: do things by halves, scamp one's work
related words: 具合 , 調子


pronunciation: kako
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , grammar
translation: past (n.), preterite
過去の: kakono: past (a.), bygone
過去に: kakoni: in the past
過去の人: kakonohito: has-been <<<
過去を懐しむ: kakoonatsukashimu: yearn for the past <<<
過去形: kakokei: past tense <<<
過去分詞: kakobunshi: past participle
過去完了: kakokanryou: past perfect tense <<< 完了
大過去: daikako: pluperfect tense <<<
半過去: hankako: imperfect tense <<<
related words: , 現在 , 未来


pronunciation: kakou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: industry
translation: process (n.), transformation, manufacturing
加工する: kakousuru: process (v.), transform, manufacture (v.), work upon
加工品: kakouhin: manufactured [processed] goods <<<
加工費: kakouhi: cost of manufacturing <<<
加工業: kakougyou: processing industry <<<
加工業者: kakougyousha: processor <<< 業者
加工食品: kakoushokuhin: processed foods <<< 食品
未加工の: mikakouno: unprocessed, raw, crude <<<
食品加工: shokuhinkakou: food processing <<< 食品
樹脂加工: jushikakou: plastification <<< 樹脂
プラスチック加工する: purasuchikkukakousuru: coat sth. with plastic <<< プラスチック
テフロン加工: tehuronkakou <<< テフロン
テフロン加工の: tehuronkakouno: teflon-coated <<< テフロン


pronunciation: kakou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane
translation: fall (n.), drop, decline
下降する: kakousuru: go down, descend, fall (v.)
下降線: kakousen: downward curve <<<
下降曲線: kakoukyokusen <<< 曲線
下降運動: kakouundou: downward movement <<< 運動
下降気流: kakoukiryuu: downward (atmospheric, air) current <<< 気流
垂直下降: suichokukakou: vertical descent <<< 垂直
related words: 上昇


pronunciation: kakou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature , geography
translation: (volcanic) crater
火口原: kakougen: crater-basin <<<
火口湖: kakouko: crater lake <<<
火口壁: kakouheki: crater wall <<<
火口丘: kakoukyuu: volcanic hill <<<
related words: クレーター , 火山


pronunciation: kakou, kawaguchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , nature
translation: estuary, mouth of a river
河口港: kakoukou: estuary harbor <<<
河口湖: kawaguchiko: Lake Kawaguchi <<<
related words: 川口

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