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Direct access: 危険 , 喜劇 , 紀元 , 期限 , 起源 , 機嫌 , 起工 , 寄稿 , 機構 , 奇行


pronunciation: kiken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security
translation: danger, risk (n.), peril
危険な: kikennna: dangerous, risky, perilous
危険を冒す: kikennookasu: risk (v.), venture <<<
危険に曝す: kikennnisarasu: endanger, jeopardize <<<
危険を避ける: kikennosakeru: avoid danger <<<
危険を防ぐ: kikennohusegu <<<
危険に陥る: kikennniochiiru: get into danger <<<
危険物: kikenbutsu: dangerous article <<<
危険地帯: kikenchitai: danger zone <<< 地帯
危険区域: kikenkuiki <<< 区域
危険人物: kikenjinbutsu: dangerous character <<< 人物
危険思想: kikenshisou: dangerous thoughts <<< 思想
危険信号: kikenshingou: SOS <<< 信号
危険手当: kikenteate: danger allowance <<< 手当
related words: 脅威 , リスク


pronunciation: kigeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show
translation: comedy, farce
喜劇を演じる: kigekioenjiru: play a comedy <<<
喜劇の: kigekino: comic, farcical
喜劇的: kigekiteki <<<
喜劇俳優: kigekihaiyuu: comic actor <<< 俳優
喜劇役者: kigekiyakusha: comedian <<< 役者
喜劇作者: kigekisakusha: comic writer <<< 作者
喜劇小説: kigekishousetsu: comic novel <<< 小説
喜劇映画: kigekieiga: comic film <<< 映画
related words: 悲劇


pronunciation: kigen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , calendar
translation: foundation of an empire, birth of Jesus Christ
紀元前: kigenzen: before Christ, BC <<<
紀元後: kigengo: after Christ, AD <<<
キリスト紀元: kirisutokigen: Christian era <<< キリスト
related words: 西暦


pronunciation: kigen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: term, period, deadline
期限までに: kigenmadeni: until the term, before the deadline
期限切れ: kigengire: expiration <<<
期限が切れる: kigengakireru: The term runs out [expires], be overdue
期限が過ぎる: kigengasugiru <<<
期限が切れた: kigengakireta: expired <<<
期限に成る: kigennninaru: mature, become [fall] due <<<
期限が来る: kigengakuru <<<
期限を定める: kigennosadameru: fix a term, set a deadline <<<
期限を付ける: kigennotsukeru: fix [place] a deadline, set a time limit <<<
期限付の: kigenZukino: limited in time, fixed-term
期限を守る: kegennomamoru: meet [observe] the deadline <<<
期限に遅れる: kigennniokureru: miss the deadline <<<
期限を延ばす: kigennonobasu: extend the deadline <<<
期限を延長する: kigennoenchousuru <<< 延長
期限満了: kigenmanryou: expiration of a term
出願期限: shutsugankigen: time limit for application <<< 出願
申込期限: moushikomikigen: time limit for application <<< 申込
賞味期限: shoumikigen: shelf life <<< 賞味
償還期限: shoukankigen: term [period] of redemption, date of maturity <<< 償還
申告期限: shinkokukigen: term of declaration <<< 申告
在職期限: zaishokukigen: length of one's service <<< 在職
synonyms: 期間


pronunciation: kigen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: origin, derivation, birth, beginning
起源する: kigensuru: originate, derive, be born from
起源を尋ねる: kigennotazuneru: trace to its origin <<<
起源に遡る: kigennnisakanoboru <<<
種の起源: shunokigen: The Origin of Species (by Charles Darwin, 1859) <<<
synonyms: 由来 , ルーツ


pronunciation: kigen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: humor, mood, temper
機嫌良く: kigennyoku: cheerfully, willingly, with a good grace <<<
機嫌が良い: kigengaii, kigengayoi: be in good humor, cheerful
機嫌が良く成る: kigengayokunaru: recover one's temper, brighten up
機嫌を直す: kigennonaosu <<<
機嫌が悪い: kigengawarui: be in bad humor [out of humor] <<<
機嫌が悪く成る: kigengawarukunaru: sulk, upset <<<
機嫌を取る: kigennotoru: flatter, court, ingratiate <<<
機嫌を伺う: kigennoukagau: ask a person's health, pay one's respects <<<
機嫌を害う: kigennosokonau: offend, hurt <<<
機嫌を損じる: kigennosonjiru <<<
上機嫌: joukigen: good [high] spirits <<<
上機嫌の: joukigennno: in good [high] spirits, good-humored, merry, cheerful
不機嫌: hukigen: bad [ill] humor, displeasure, tantrum <<<
不機嫌の: hukigennno: discontented, disgruntled, grumpy, crusty
御機嫌は: gokigenha: How are you? <<<
御機嫌は如何: gokigenhaikaga <<< 如何
御機嫌よう: gokigennyou: How are you? adieu, farewell, bon voyage <<<
一杯機嫌: ippaikigen: tipsy <<< 一杯
synonyms: 気分


pronunciation: kikou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: commencement of construction work, laying down
起工する: kikousuru: begin [start] work on, lay the cornerstone, break ground for, lay down the keel of
起工式: kikoushiki: commencement ceremony, ground-breaking ceremony <<<


pronunciation: kikou
kanji characters: , 稿
keyword: media
translation: contribution, correspondence
寄稿する: kikousuru: contribute an article for, write for
寄稿者: kikousha: contributor <<<
related words: 投稿


pronunciation: kikou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: mechanism, structure, organization
機構を改める: kikouoaratameru: reorganize the system, revamp the setup <<<
機構を改革する: kikouokakikakusuru <<< 改革
機構改革: kikoukaikaku: reorganization, organizational reform
北大西洋条約機構: kitataiseiyoujouyakukikou: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO <<< 大西洋
末端機構: mattankikou: the smallest unit (of an organization) <<< 末端
ワルシャワ条約機構: warushawajouyakukikou: Warsaw Treaty Organization <<< ワルシャワ
related words: 機関


pronunciation: kikou
kanji characters: ,
translation: eccentric conduct, eccentricity
奇行に富む: kikounitomu: full of eccentricities, eccentric <<<

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