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Direct access: 回想 , 回送 , 改装 , 海草 , 快速 , 改造 , 海賊 , 解体 , 開拓 , 会談


pronunciation: kaisou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: retrospection, reminiscence, recollection, memories
回想する: kaisousuru: retrospect, reminisce, recollect, recall
回想録: kaisouroku: recollections, reminiscences, memoirs <<<
回想場面: kaisoubamen: retrospect sequence <<< 場面
related words: 思い出


pronunciation: kaisou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: transport (n.), forwarding
回送する: kaisousuru: transport (v.), send on, forward
回送中: kaisouchuu: in transit <<<
回送店: kaisouten: forwarding agency, express company <<<
回送車: kaisousha: out-of-service car [train] <<<
回送列車: kaisouressha: out-of-service train, train on a siding <<< 列車


pronunciation: kaisou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: remodeling, conversion, redecoration, refit (n.), renovation
改装する: kaisousuru: remodel, re-equip, re-decorate, convert into, refit (v.), renovate
related words: 改造


pronunciation: kaisou, umikusa
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 海藻
keyword: plant , sea
translation: seaweed, marine plants, sea vegetable
海草灰: kaisoubai: kelp <<<


pronunciation: kaisoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: high speed
快速の: kaisokuno: high-speed, speedy
快速で: kaisokude: at a high speed, by fast train
快速を出す: kaisokuodasu: put on a high speed <<<
快速船: kaisokusen: fast boat <<<
快速列車: kaisokuressha: fast train <<< 列車
related words: 高速 , 急行


pronunciation: kaizou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: remodeling, conversion, adaptation, reconstruction, reorganization, rebuilding
改造する: kaizousuru: remodel, convert, adapt
改造中: kaizouchuu: under reconstruction <<<
内閣改造: naikakukaizou: reconstruction (reshuffle) of the cabinet <<< 内閣
related words: 改装 , 改修


pronunciation: kaizoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sea , crime
translation: pirate, corsair
海賊を働く: kaizokuohataraku: commit piracy, pirate (a ship) <<<
海賊船: kaizokusen: pirate ship <<<
海賊版: kaizokuban: pirate edition <<<
海賊行為: kaizokukoui: piracy <<< 行為
海賊放送局: kaizokuhousoukyoku: pirate station
ソマリアの海賊: somarianokaizoku: Somalian pirates <<< ソマリア
related words: 山賊


pronunciation: kaitai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: industry
translation: break-up, dismemberment, dissection
解体する: kaitaisuru: dismember, take (a thing) to pieces, break up, scrap, cannibalize, dissolve, dissect
解体して運ぶ: kaitaishitehakobu: convey (a machine) in parts <<<
解体屋: kaitaiya: cannibalizer, wrecker <<<
解体業者: kaitaigyousha <<< 業者
財閥解体: zaibatsukaitai: break-up of zaibatsu <<< 財閥
synonyms: 解剖


pronunciation: kaitaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: cultivation, reclamation (of wasteland), exploitation
開拓する: kaitakusuru: bring (land) under cultivation, reclaim (wasteland), exploit, colonize, develop
開拓地: kaitakuchi: reclaimed land <<<
未開拓地: mikaitakuchi: undeveloped land <<<
開拓者: kaitakusha: cultivator, pioneer, settler, initiator, trailblazer <<<
辺境開拓: henkyoukaitaku: frontier settlement <<< 辺境
related words: 植民 , 開発


pronunciation: kaidan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: conference, dialogue, conversation, talk, interview
会談する: kaidansuru: talk together, have a talk, an interview
休戦会談: kyuusenkaidan: ceasefire conference <<< 休戦
首脳会談: shunoukaidan: summit (conference) <<< 首脳
予備会談: yobikaidan: preliminary conference [assembly] <<< 予備
ポツダム会談: potsudamukaidan: Potsdam Conference <<< ポツダム
テヘラン会談: teherankaidan: Tehran Conference (1943) <<< テヘラン
トップ会談: toppukaidan: summit conference [meeting] <<< トップ

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