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Direct access: 軌跡 , 奇跡 , 季節 , 煙管 , 汽船 , 気絶 , 基礎 , 起訴 , 規則 , 既存


pronunciation: kiseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: locus
軌跡を求める: kisekiomotomeru: find a locus <<<


pronunciation: kiseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: miracle, wonder
奇跡的: kisekiteki: miraculous <<<
奇跡的に: kisekitekini: miraculously
奇跡的に助かる: kisekitekinitasukaru: escape death by a miracle <<<
奇跡を行う: kisekiookonau: work [do] wonders <<<
奇跡を起す: kisekiookosu <<<
奇跡が起る: kisekigaokoru: A miracle happens
奇跡を信じる: kisekioshinjiru: believe in miracles <<<
synonyms: ミラクル


pronunciation: kisetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather , calendar
translation: season
季節の: kisetsuno: seasonal
季節の果物: kisetsunokudamono: seasonal fruits <<< 果物
季節外れ: kisetsuhazure: out of season <<<
季節遅れ: kisetsuokure: behind the season <<<
季節盛り: kisetsuzakari: at the height of the season <<<
季節風: kisetsuhuu: monsoon <<<
季節物: kisetsumono: seasonal goods <<<
季節感: kisetsukan: feelings about seasons <<<
季節労働者: kisetsuroudousha: seasonal worker
桜の季節: sakuranokisetsu: cherry blossom season <<<
桃の季節: momonokisetsu: peach blossom season <<<
新緑の季節しんりょくのきせつ: season of fresh verdure <<< 新緑
synonyms: シーズン
related words: 時候


pronunciation: kiseru
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: tobacco pipe
煙管する: kiserusuru: steal a ride without paying the fare for the middle part of the way
煙管差し: kiserusashi: pipe sheath <<<
related words: パイプ


pronunciation: kisen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: steamship, steamer
汽船で: kisende: by steamer
汽船会社: kisengaisha: steamship company <<< 会社


pronunciation: kizetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: faint (n.), swoon (n.), syncope
気絶した: kizetsushita: senseless, unconscious
気絶する: kizetsusuru: faint (v.), swoon (v.), lose consciousness, fall senseless
気絶させる: kizetsusaseru: knock out, stun
synonyms: 失神


pronunciation: kiso
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , construction
translation: base, basis, foundation, groundwork, ground, bed, rudiments, elements, principles
基礎の: kisono: basic, fundamental (a.), elementary, rudimentary
基礎的: kisoteki <<<
を基礎にする: okisonisuru: be based [founded] on
に基礎を置く: nikisoooku <<<
基礎の無い: kisononai: groundless <<<
基礎を固める: kisookatameru: consolidate the foundation <<<
基礎を作る: kisootsukuru: lay the foundation <<<
基礎学科: kisogakka: primary subjects <<< 学科
基礎知識: kisochishiki: elementary knowledge, grounding <<< 知識
基礎医学: kisoigaku: basic medicine <<< 医学
基礎工事: kisochikouji: foundation work <<< 工事
基礎産業: kisosangyou: key industries <<< 産業
基礎控除: kisokoujo: basic deduction (from the taxable income) <<< 控除
related words: 基本


pronunciation: kiso
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: prosecution, indictment, litigation
起訴する: kisosuru: prosecute [indict] (a person for a crime), charge (a person with a crime), bring an action [a suit] (against), go to law (with)
起訴中: kisochuu: under indictment (for) <<<
起訴状: kisojou: indictment, information <<<
起訴事実: kisojijitsu: indicted facts <<< 事実
起訴理由: kisoriyuu: charge <<< 理由
起訴猶予: kisoyuuyo: suspension of indictment <<< 猶予
不起訴: hukiso: nonprosecution <<<
不起訴にする: hukisonisuru: drop a case
不起訴処分とする: hukisoshobuntosuru <<< 処分
related words: 訴訟


pronunciation: kisoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law , grammar
translation: rule, regulation
規則に従う: kisokunishitagau: follow [conform to] the rule <<<
規則を守る: kisokuomamoru: observe the rule <<<
規則を立てる: kisokuotateru: establish [frame, make, state] a rule <<<
規則を破る: kisokuoyaburu: break [violate] the rule <<<
規則的: kisokuteki: systematic, orderly, punctual <<<
規則的に: kisokutekini: regularly, in a regular manner, systematically, methodically, punctually
規則通りに: kisokudoorini: according to the rule, by rule <<<
規則に反する: kisokunikisokunihansuru: illegal, transgressive <<<
規則書: kisokusho: prospectus, regulations <<<
規則違反: kisokuihan: infraction, malpractice <<< 違反
規則違反を犯す: kisokuihannookasu: commit an infraction [an infringement] <<<
規則動詞: kisokudoushi: regular verb <<< 動詞
不規則: hukisoku: irregularity <<<
不規則な: hukisokuna: irregular, unsystematic, abnormal, anomalous
不規則動詞: hukisokudoushi: irregular verb [conjugation] <<< 動詞
交通規則: koutsuukisoku: traffic regulations [rules] <<< 交通
業務規則: gyoumukisoku: rules of operation [procedure] <<< 業務
就業規則: shuugyoukisoku: office [shop] regulations <<< 就業
取締規則: torishimarikisoku: regulations, rules <<< 取締
related words: 規定 , ルール


pronunciation: kison
kanji characters: ,
translation: pre-existence
既存の: kisonnno: preexisting
related words: 存在

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