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Direct access: 教室 , 郷愁 , 矜持 , 教授 , 供述 , 狂人 , 胸水 , 矯正 , 強制 , 共生


pronunciation: kyoushitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: classroom, schoolroom
階段教室: kaidankyoushitsu: lecture theater <<< 階段
漂流教室: hyouryuukyoushitsu: drifting classroom (a manga of Kazuo Umeki, 1972 ? 1974) <<< 漂流
青空教室: aozorakyoushitsu: open-air class <<< 青空
水泳教室: suieikyoushitsu: swimming class <<< 水泳
調理教室: chourikyoushitsu: cockery [cooking] course, cooking class <<< 調理
synonyms: クラス


pronunciation: kyoushuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: homesickness, nostalgia
郷愁を感じる: kyoushuuokanjiru: feel nostalgia (for), be homesick (for) <<<
郷愁を抱く: kyoushuuoidaku <<<


pronunciation: kyouji
kanji characters:
translation: pride (n.), dignity
矜持する: kyoujisuru: pride (v.)
synonyms: 自負 , 自慢 ,


pronunciation: kyouju
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: professor, university teacher, lessons
教授する: kyoujusuru: teach, instruct, give lessons
教授を受ける: kyoujuoukeru: take lessons <<<
教授団: kyoujudan: faculty [teaching] stuff <<<
教授会: kyoujukai: faculty meeting <<<
教授法: kyoujuhou: teaching method, pedagogy <<<
助教授: jokyouju: assistant professor <<<
準教授: junkyouju: associate professor <<<
大学教授: daigakukyouju: university [college] professor <<< 大学
出張教授: shutchoukyouju: lessons at one's pupil's home <<< 出張
名誉教授: meiyokyouju: emeritus <<< 名誉
主任教授: shuninkyouju: head [tenured, full] professor <<< 主任


pronunciation: kyoujutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: deposition
供述する: kyoujutsusuru: depose, testify
供述者: kyoujutsusha: deponent <<<
供述書: kyoujutsusho: deposition, affidavit <<<


pronunciation: kyoujin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: maniac, madman
synonyms: 気違い
related words: 変人


pronunciation: kyousui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: pleural effusion


pronunciation: kyousei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: reform (n.), correction, remedy, rectification
矯正する: kyouseisuru: reform (v.), correct, rectify, set right
矯正策: kyouseisaku: remedy <<<
矯正可能: kyouseikanou: corrigible, rectifiable, curable <<< 可能
related words: 訂正 , 修正


pronunciation: kyousei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: compulsion, coercion, constraint, exaction
強制する: kyouseisuru: compel, coerce, force (v.)
強制的: kyouseiteki: compulsory, coercive, forced <<<
強制的に: kyouseitekini: by force, forcibly
強制力: kyouseiryoku: compelling force, legal force <<<
強制執行: kyouseishikkou: compulsory execution <<< 執行
強制捜査: kyouseisousa: compulsory investigation, forcible search <<< 捜査
強制手段: kyouseishudan: coercive measure <<< 手段
強制処分: kyouseishobun <<< 処分
強制着陸: kyouseichakuriku: forced landing <<< 着陸
強制労働: kyouseiroudou: forced [compulsory] labor <<< 労働
強制収容所: kyouseishuuyoujo: concentration camp
強制送還: kyouseisoukan: deportation, enforced repatriation <<< 送還
強制送還する: kyouseisoukansuru: deport, forcibly repatriate


pronunciation: kyousei
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 共棲
keyword: biology
translation: symbiosis, commensalism, paragenesis
共生的: kyouseiteki: symbiotic <<<
related words: 共存

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