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Direct access: 去勢 , 拒絶 , 巨大 , 極光 , 拠点 , 挙動 , 去年 , 拒否 , 距離 , 居留


pronunciation: kyosei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: castration, emasculation
去勢する: kyoseisuru: castrate, emasculate, geld, enervate, deprive of vigor
去勢馬: kyoseiuma: gelding <<<
去勢牛: kyoseiushi: bullock <<<
去勢鶏: kyoseidori: capon <<<
去勢羊: kyoseihitsuji: wether <<<


pronunciation: kyozetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , bank
translation: refusal, rejection
拒絶する: kyozetsusuru: refuse, reject, decline, repudiate
拒絶反応: kyozetsuhannnou: rejection symptom, immunological reaction <<< 反応
拒絶証書: kyozetsushousho: bill protest <<< 証書
断固として拒絶する: dankotoshitekyozetsusuru: give (a person) a flat refusal <<< 断固
synonyms: 拒否


pronunciation: kyodai
kanji characters: ,
translation: hugeness
巨大な: kyodaina: huge, gigantic, enormous, colossal, titanic, humongous
巨大化: kyodaika: enlargement, magnification <<<
巨大化する: kyodaikasuru: enlarge, increase in size
巨大店舗: kyodaitenpo: megastore, superstore <<< 店舗
巨大都市: kyodaitoshi: megalopolis <<< 都市
巨大計画: kyodaikeikaku: megaproject, gigantic project <<< 計画
巨大事業: kyodaijigyou <<< 事業
巨大企業: kyodaikigyou: megabusiness, megacorporation <<< 企業
巨大分子: kyodaibunshi: macromolecule <<< 分子
related words: マンモス


pronunciation: kyokkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: aurora, polar lights
related words: オーロラ


pronunciation: kyoten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: stronghold, strong point, base
物流拠点: butsuryuukyoten: logistics center <<< 物流
軍事拠点: gunjikyoten: strategic point <<< 軍事


pronunciation: kyodou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: action, movement, conduct, behavior, deportment
挙動不審: kyodouhushin: suspicious behavior <<< 不審
挙動不審の廉で: kyodouhushinnnokadode: on account of one's suspicious behavior <<<


pronunciation: kyonen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: last year
去年に: kyonennni: in last year
去年の夏: kyonennnonatsu: last summer <<<
去年の今日: kyonennnokyou: today last year, one year ago today <<< 今日
去年の今夜: kyonennnokonnya: this evening last year <<< 今夜
去年の五月: kyonennnogogatsu: May last year <<< 五月
synonyms: 昨年
antonyms: 来年


pronunciation: kyohi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , medicine
translation: refusal, rejection, denial, veto
拒否する: kyohisuru: refuse, reject, deny, veto, refusenik
拒否権: kyohiken: (right to) veto <<<
拒否権を行使する: kyohikennokoushisuru: exercise one's veto power <<< 行使
拒否反応: kyohihannnou: rejection reaction <<< 反応
入国を拒否する: nyuukokuokyohisuru: refuse [deny] (a person) entry into a country <<< 入国
登校拒否: toukoukyohi: school phobia <<< 登校
related words: 拒絶


pronunciation: kyori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , sport
translation: distance (n.), separation
距離を置く: kyoriooku: maintain a distance <<<
距離を保つ: kyoriotamotsu <<<
距離が有る: kyorigaaru: be distant [far], there is a gap <<<
距離を測る: kyoriohakaru: measure [calculate] the distance <<<
距離計: kyorikei: rangefinder <<<
距離標: kyorihyou: milestone, distance post <<<
距離感: kyorikan: sense of distance <<<
短距離: tankyori: short distance (race) <<<
短距離競走: tankyorikyousou: short-distance race, sprint <<< 競走 , スプリント
近距離: kinkyori: short distance <<<
長距離: choukyori: long distance (race) <<<
長距離競走: choukyorikyousou: long-distance race, marathon race <<< 競走 , マラソン
長距離砲: choukyorihou: long-range gun <<<
長距離電話: choukyoridenwa: long-distance telephone [call], trunk-call <<< 電話
遠距離: enkyori: long [great] distance <<<
離陸距離: ririkukyori: takeoff distance <<< 離陸
焦点距離: shoutenkyori: focal distance <<< 焦点
直線距離: chokusenkyori: as the crow flies, in the line of the crow <<< 直線
走行距離: soukoukyori: distance traveled (by a car) <<< 走行
飛行距離: hikoukyori: flight distance <<< 飛行


pronunciation: kyoryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: foreign [temporary] residence
居留する: kyoryuusuru: live [reside] (at, in)
居留地: kyoryuuchi: (foreign) settlement [concession] <<<
居留民: kyoryuumin: residents (at, in) <<<
居留外国人: kyoryuugaikokujin: foreign residents
synonyms: 滞在

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