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Direct access: 竜頭 , 流星 , 榴弾 , 留置 , 流暢 , 留鳥 , 竜頭蛇尾 , 流動 , 流入 , 流氷


pronunciation: ryuuzu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: リューズ
keyword: accessory
translation: crown (of a watch)
竜頭を巻く: ryuuzuomaku: stem-wind (a watch) <<<


pronunciation: ryuusei, nagareboshi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 流れ星
keyword: astronomy
translation: shooting star, falling star, meteor
流星雨: ryuuseiu: meteoric [meteor] shower <<<
流星群: ryuuseigun <<<
流星塵: ryuuseijin: micrometeorites <<<
synonyms: 隕石


pronunciation: ryuudan
kanji characters:
keyword: war
translation: high explosive shell
榴弾砲: ryuudanpou, ryuudanhou: howitzer <<<


pronunciation: ryuuchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: detention, lockup, custody
留置する: ryuuchisuru: detain, lock up, keep (a person) in custody
留置所: ryuuchisho, ryuuchijo: lockup, police cell <<<
留置場: ryuuchijou <<<
related words: 刑務所


pronunciation: ryuuchou
kanji characters:
translation: fluency, eloquence
流暢な: ryuuchouna: fluent, flowing, eloquent, smooth
流暢に: ryuuchouni: fluently
流暢に話す: ryuuchounihanasu: speak fluently <<<


pronunciation: ryuuchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: resident bird, sedentary bird, nonmigratory bird
antonyms: 渡り鳥


pronunciation: ryuutoudabi
kanji characters: , , ,
translation: anticlimax, flash in the pan
竜頭蛇尾に終る: ryuutoudabiniowaru: end in an anticlimax, peter out <<<


pronunciation: ryuudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: physics
translation: flow (n.), circulation
流動する: ryuudousuru: flow (v.), run, circulate
流動的: ryuudouteki: changing, moving, fluctuating <<<
流動性: ryuudousei: liquidity, fluidity <<<
流動体: ryuudoutai: liquid, fluid <<< , 液体
流動食: ryuudoushoku: liquid food [diet] <<<
流動資本: ryuudoushihon: circulating [floating] capital <<< 資本
流動資産: ryuudoushisan: current [floating] assets <<< 資産


pronunciation: ryuunyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment
translation: inflow, influx
流入する: ryuunyuusuru: flow [stream, come] in
外資流入: gaishiryuunyuu: influx of foreign capital <<< 外資
antonyms: 流出


pronunciation: ryuuhyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: drift ice, floe
related words: 氷山

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