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Direct access: 冷静 , 礼節 , 冷戦 , 冷蔵 , 隷属 , 冷淡 , 霊長 , 零点 , 冷凍 , 礼拝


pronunciation: reisei
kanji characters: ,
translation: calmness, coolness, composure
冷静な: reiseina: calm, cool, composed
冷静に: reiseini: calmly, coolly, composedly
冷静な人: reiseinahito: cool-headed man, cool and collected person <<<
冷静にする: reiseinisuru: keep one's head cool, keep one's composure
冷静を保つ: reiseiotamotsu <<<
冷静を失う: reiseioushinau: lose one's head [presence of mind], be upset <<<
冷静に構える: reiseinikamaeru: take a calm attitude (toward) <<<
冷静に帰る: reiseinikaeru: recover one's mental balance <<<
冷静に考える: reiseinikangaeru: take things coolly <<<
冷静に行動: surureiseinikoudousuru: act [behave, comport, conduct] calmly <<< 行動
related words: クール


pronunciation: reisetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: courtesy, decorum, etiquette, propriety, manners
synonyms: 礼儀 , エチケット , マナー


pronunciation: reisen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , politics
translation: cold war


pronunciation: reizou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food , utensil
translation: cold storage, refrigeration
冷蔵する: reizousuru: refrigerate
冷蔵庫: reizouko: refrigerator, fridge, ice box <<<
冷蔵車: reizousha: refrigerator car <<<
冷蔵装置: reizousouchi: refrigeration plant <<< 装置
related words: 冷凍


pronunciation: reizoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: dependency, submission, servitude
隷属する: reizokusuru: be under the control of, be subordinate [subject] to
隷属地域: reizokuchiiki: dependency <<< 地域
隷属国: reizokukoku: dependency, subject state, tributary state <<<


pronunciation: reitan
kanji characters: ,
translation: indifference, apathy, disregard
冷淡な: reitannna: cool, cold, cold-hearted, indifferent, callous
冷淡に: reitannni: coolly, coldly, cold-heartedly, indifferently


pronunciation: reichou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: lord of all creation
霊長類: reichourui: Primate <<<


pronunciation: reiten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: zero (point), no marks
零点を取る: reitennotoru: get zero <<<


pronunciation: reitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food , utensil
translation: refrigeration
冷凍する: reitousuru: refrigerate, deep-freeze
冷凍庫: reitouko: refrigerator <<<
冷凍室: reitoushitsu: refrigerator room, freezer [ice] compartment, icebox <<<
冷凍機: reitouki: refrigerating machine, freezing [refrigeration] plant <<<
冷凍業: reitougyou: cold-storage business <<<
冷凍車: reitousha: refrigerator car <<<
冷凍肉: reitouniku: refrigerated [frozen] meat <<<
冷凍魚: reitougyo: refrigerated [frozen] fish <<<
冷凍野菜: reitouyasai: refrigerated [frozen] vegetable <<< 野菜
冷凍食品: reitoushokuhin: refrigerated [frozen] food <<< 食品
冷凍麻酔: reitoumasui: refrigeration anesthesia, cryoanesthesia <<< 麻酔
急速冷凍: kyuusokureitou: quick freezing <<< 急速
急速冷凍する: kyuusokureitousuru: quick-freeze <<< 急速
related words: 冷蔵 , 冷却


pronunciation: reihai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: worship (n.)
礼拝する: reihaisuru: worship (v.)
礼拝を行う: reihaiookonau <<<
礼拝に出る: reihainideru: attend a service <<<
礼拝に出席する: reihainishussekisuru <<< 出席
礼拝堂: reihaidou: chapel <<<
礼拝者: reihaisha: worshipper, pilgrim <<<

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