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Direct access: 落選 , 落胆 , 駱駝 , 落第 , 落着 , 楽天 , 酪農 , 落葉 , 落雷 , 螺旋


pronunciation: rakusen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , art
translation: defeat, rejection
落選する: rakusensuru: be defeated in an election, be rejected
落選者: rakusensha: unsuccessful candidate <<<
落選作品: rakusensakuhin: rejected work <<< 作品
antonyms: 当選


pronunciation: rakutan
kanji characters: ,
translation: discouragement, disappointment, dejection, dismay
落胆する: rakutansuru: discourage (vi.), disappoint, deject, dismay, dispirit
落胆させる: rakutansaseru: discourage (vt.), disappoint


pronunciation: rakuda
other spells: ラクダ
keyword: animal
translation: camel
駱駝に乗る: rakudaninoru: mount [ride] a camel <<<
駱駝の瘤: rakudanokobu: camel's hump <<<


pronunciation: rakudai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: failure in an examination
落第する: rakudaisuru: fail (in an examination), flunk (an exam), be [get] plucked, be rejected
落第生: rakudaisei: a failure, repeater, plucked student <<<
落第点: rakudaiten: failing mark, failure mark <<<
落第品: rakudaihin: rejections, substandard goods, junk <<<
related words: 合格


pronunciation: rakuchaku
kanji characters: ,
translation: settlement, resolution
落着する: rakuchakusuru: be settled, come to a settlement, be brought to an end
落着を付ける: rakuchakuotsukeru: settle, resolve <<<
related words: 解決 , 始末


pronunciation: rakuten
kanji characters: ,
translation: easy life, optimism
楽天的: rakutenteki: optimistic, easy-going, light-hearted, upbeat <<<
楽天家: rakutenka: optimist <<<
楽天観: rakutenkan: optimism <<<
楽天主義: rakutenshugi <<< 主義
synonyms: 楽観 , 呑気


pronunciation: rakunou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: dairy farming
酪農業: rakunougyou <<<
酪農場: rakunoujou: dairy farm <<<
酪農家: rakunouka: dairy farmer <<<
酪農製品: rakunouseihin: dairy product <<< 製品


pronunciation: rakuyou, ochiba
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 落ち葉
keyword: tree
translation: fallen leaves
落葉する: rakuyousuru: (trees) cast leaves
落葉樹: rakuyouju: deciduous tree <<<
synonyms: 枯葉


pronunciation: rakurai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: thunderbolt, lightning stroke
落雷する: rakuraisuru: be struck by lightning


pronunciation: rasen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: spiral, screw
螺旋状: rasenjou: screw-shaped <<<
螺旋形: rasenkei: screw shape <<<
螺旋階段: rasenkaidan: spiral stairs <<< 階段
related words: 渦巻

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