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Direct access: 連動 , 連敗 , 連発 , 連邦 , 連盟 , 連絡 , 連立 , 聾唖 , 漏洩 , 廊下


pronunciation: rendou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: connection, coupling, synchronization
連動する: rendousuru: be connected [linked, coupled, synchronized] (with)
連動させる: rendousaseru: connect, link, couple, synchronize
連動機: rendouki: clutch <<< , クラッチ
連動装置: rendousouchi: interlocking device, gear <<< 装置 , ギア
連動距離計: rendoukyorikei: couple range finder
非連動: hirendou: decoupling <<<


pronunciation: renpai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: successive defeats, a series of defeats
連敗する: renpaisuru: be defeated successively
antonyms: 連勝


pronunciation: renpatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weapon
translation: rapid fire [shooting], volley, torrent, barrage
連発する: renpatsusuru: fire in rapid succession, fire in volleys
連発式: renpatsushiki: semi-automatic, auto-loading <<<
連発銃: renpatsujuu: magazine rifle, semi-automatic [auto-loading] pistol, repeater <<<


pronunciation: renpou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , geography
translation: federation, union, confederation
連邦する: renpousuru: federate
連邦の: renpouno: federal
連邦国: renpoukoku: federated nation <<<
連邦政府: renpouseihu: federal government <<< 政府
連邦国家: renpoukokka: federal state <<< 国家
連邦制度: renpouseido: federalism <<< 制度
連邦主義: renpoushugi <<< 主義
連邦主義者: renpoushugisha: federalist <<<
連邦会議: renpoukaigi: federal assembly [council] <<< 会議
連邦議会: renpougikai: federal parliament, Bundestag (in Germany) <<< 議会
連邦警察: renpoukeisatsu: federal police, FBI (in USA) <<< 警察
連邦裁判所: renpousaibansho: federal court <<< 裁判所
英国連邦: eikokurenpou: British Commonwealth <<< 英国
ロシア連邦: roshiarenpou: Russian federation <<< ロシア
ソビエト連邦: sobietorenpou: Soviet Union <<< ソビエト
アラブ首長国連邦: arabushuchoukokurenpou: United Arab Emirates, UAE <<< アラブ
スイス連邦: suisurenpou: Swiss confederation <<< スイス
ドイツ連邦: doitsurenpou: Federal Republic of Germany <<< ドイツ
オーストラリア連邦: oosutorariarenpou: Commonwealth of Australia <<< オーストラリア


pronunciation: renmei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , sport
translation: league, federation, union
連盟して: renmeishite: in league with
国際連盟: kokusairenmei: League of Nations <<< 国際
アラブ連盟: araburenmei: Arab League <<< アラブ
related words: リーグ


pronunciation: renraku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport , communication
translation: connection, junction, communication, contact
連絡する: renrakusuru: connect, join, communicate, reach, contact (v.)
連絡の有る: renrakunoaru: connected <<<
連絡の無い: renrakunonai: unconnected <<<
連絡を付ける: renrakuotsukeru: establish a connection with <<<
連絡を保つ: renrakuotamotsu: keep in touch <<<
連絡を絶つ: renrakuotatsu: cut off communications with <<<
連絡を失う: renrakuoushinau: lose contact with <<<
連絡駅: renrakueki: junction station <<<
連絡線: renrakusen: connecting line <<<
連絡船: renrakusen: ferry boat <<<
連絡係: renrakugakari: liaison man <<<
連絡先: renrakusaki: contact address <<<
連絡将校: renrakushoukou: liaison officer <<< 将校
連絡切符: renrakukippu: through [transfer] ticket <<< 切符
連絡事務所: renrakujimusho: liaison office


pronunciation: renritsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , physics
translation: coalition, simultaneity
連立の: renritsuno: simultaneous, of coalition
連立内閣: renritsunaikaku: coalition cabinet <<< 内閣
連立政権: renritsuseiken: coalition government <<< 政権
連立与党: renritsuyotou: ruling coalition government <<< 与党
連立方程式: renritsuhouteishiki: simultaneous equations <<< 方程式
related words: 同時


pronunciation: roua
kanji characters:
keyword: disease
translation: deaf-muteness
聾唖の: rouano: deaf-mute, deaf and dumb
聾唖者: rouasha: deaf and dumb person <<<
聾唖学校: rouagakkou: deaf-and-dumb school <<< 学校
related words: 難聴


pronunciation: rouei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment
translation: leakage, disclosure
漏洩する: roueisuru: leak (out), be let out, be revealed [disclosed, divulged]
機密漏洩: kimitsurouei: leakage of secrets <<< 機密


pronunciation: rouka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: corridor, hallway

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