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Direct access: 呂律 , 論争 , 論点 , 論文 , 論理


pronunciation: roretsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: articulation
呂律が回らない: roretsugamawaranai: be inarticulate <<<


pronunciation: ronsou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: controversy, dispute, debate, argument
論争の: ronsouno: controversial
論争する: ronsousuru: dispute (v.), debate (v.), argue
論争中: ronsouchuu: be in a controversy with <<<
論争点: ronsouten: point of dispute <<<
公開論争: koukaironsou: public debate <<< 公開
synonyms: 議論


pronunciation: ronten
kanji characters: ,
translation: point of an argument, point at issue
論点を明らかにする: rontennoakirakanisuru: make one's point clear <<<
論点を明確にする: rontennomeikakunisuru <<< 明確


pronunciation: ronbun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science , education
translation: thesis, dissertation, treatise, essay, paper, article
論文を提出する: ronbunnoteishutsusuru: submit (present) a thesis <<< 提出
学位論文: gakuironbun: doctoral thesis [dissertation] <<< 学位
博士論文: hakushironbun: doctorate thesis <<< 博士
懸賞論文: kenshouronbun: prize essay <<< 懸賞
修士論文: shuushironbun: master's thesis <<< 修士
巻頭論文: kantouronbun: opening article (of a journal) <<< 巻頭
卒業論文: sotsugyouronbun: graduation thesis <<< 卒業


pronunciation: ronri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: logic
論理的な: ronritekina: logical <<<
論理的に: ronritekini: logically
論理上: ronrijou <<<
論理学: ronrigaku: logic <<<
論理学者: ronrigakusha: logician <<< 学者
形式論理: keishikironri: formal logic <<< 形式
related words: 理論

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