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Direct access: 裸体 , 拉致 , 落下 , 落花生 , 楽観 , 辣韭 , 海獺 , 騾馬 , 羅列 , 卵黄


pronunciation: ratai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: naked [nude] body, nakedness, nudity
裸体の: rataino: nude, naked, stark-naked
裸体で: rataide: in the nude, in the altogether
裸体に成る: rataininaru: become naked, strip oneself naked, take off all one's clothes <<<
裸体画: rataiga: nude picture <<<
裸体像: rataizou: nude statue [figure] <<<
裸体美: rataibi: physical [nude] beauty <<<
裸体主義: rataishugi: nudism <<< 主義
裸体主義者: rataishugisha: nudist <<<
related words: ヌード


pronunciation: rachi
kanji characters:
keyword: crime
translation: abduction
拉致する: rachisuru: abduct
拉致事件: rachijiken: abduction affairs <<< 事件
related words: 誘拐


pronunciation: rakka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane
translation: fall (n.), drop (n.)
落下する: rakkasuru: fall (v.), drop (v.), come down
落下傘: rakkasan: parachute <<<
落下傘兵: rakkasanhei: parachutist <<<
落下傘部隊: rakkasanbutai: paratroop <<< 部隊
自由落下: jiyuurakka: free fall <<< 自由
related words: 墜落 , 投下


pronunciation: rakkasei
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: fruit
translation: peanut
落花生油: rakkaseiyu: peanut oil <<<
related words: ピーナツ


pronunciation: rakkan
kanji characters: ,
translation: optimism, optimistic view
楽観する: rakkansuru: be optimist
楽観的: rakkanteki: optimistic, rosy <<<
楽観を許さない: rakkannoyurusanai: not so rosy <<<
楽観論: rakkanron: optimism <<<
楽観論者: rakkanronsha: optimist <<<
synonyms: 楽天 , 呑気
antonyms: 悲観


pronunciation: rakkyou
other spells: ラッキョウ, 薤, 辣韮
keyword: vegetable
translation: scallion
辣韭漬: rakkyouZuke: pickled scallion <<<


pronunciation: rakko
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 海猟, 猟虎, ラッコ
keyword: animal
translation: sea otter
海獺のマント: rakkonomanto: otter coat <<< マント


pronunciation: raba
kanji characters:
other spells: ラバ
keyword: horse
translation: mule


pronunciation: raretsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: enumeration
羅列する: raretsusuru: enumerate, cite (one after another)


pronunciation: ranou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: yolk, yellow (of egg)
related words: 黄身

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