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Direct access: 利食 , 利口 , 離婚 , 利子 , 利殖 , 離職 , 理事 , 利潤 , 栗鼠 , 理性


pronunciation: rigui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: profit taking
利食い売り: riguiuri <<<
利食いする: riguisuru: sell one's stocks at a profit
利食い売りする: riguiurisuru


pronunciation: rikou
kanji characters: ,
translation: cleverness, intelligence
利口な: rikouna: clever, intelligent, wise, keen, shrewd
利口そうな: rikousouna: intelligent-looking
利口ぶる: rikouburu: try to be smart
antonyms: 馬鹿


pronunciation: rikon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: divorce (n.), separation
離婚する: rikonsuru: divorce (v.), separate
離婚者: rikonsha: divorcee, divorced person <<<
離婚届: rikontodoke: divorce notice <<<
離婚率: rikonritsu: divorce rate <<<
離婚手続: rikontetsuZuki: divorce procedure <<< 手続
離婚訴訟: rikonsoshou: suit for divorce <<< 訴訟
離婚訴訟を起こす: rikonsoshouookosu: file a suit for divorce <<<
協議離婚: kyougirikon: divorce by consent <<< 協議
合意離婚: gouirikon: divorce by mutual agreement <<< 合意
antonyms: 結婚


pronunciation: rishi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: interest
利子が付く: rishigatsuku: bear [yield] interest <<<
利子を生む: rishioumu <<<
利子所得: rishishotoku: income from interests <<< 所得
利子計算: rishikeisan: interest-calculation, calculation of interest <<< 計算
無利子で: murishide: without [free of] interest <<<
延滞利子: entairishi: overdue interest <<< 延滞
預金利子: yokinrishi: interest on a deposit <<< 預金
銀行利子: ginkourishi: bank interest <<< 銀行
synonyms: 利息


pronunciation: rishoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: money-making


pronunciation: rishoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: job abandonment
離職する: rishokusuru: leave [quit] one's job, lose employment


pronunciation: riji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: director, trustee
理事に成る: rijininaru: obtain a seat on the board of directors <<<
理事に選ばれ: rurijinierabareru: be elected to the board of directors <<<
理事会: rijikai: board of directors <<<
理事長: rijichou: chairman of the board of directors <<<
専任理事: sennninriji: full-time trustee <<< 専任
財務理事: zaimuriji: financial administrator <<< 財務


pronunciation: rijun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: profits, gains, returns
利潤を上げる: rijunnoageru: make a profit (on) <<<
利潤の追求: rijunnnotsuikyuu: pursuit of profits <<< 追求
synonyms: 利益


pronunciation: risu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: リス
keyword: animal
translation: squirrel, chipmunk


pronunciation: risei
kanji characters: ,
translation: reason
理性の有る: riseinoaru: rational <<<
理性的な: riseitekina <<<
理性的に: riseitekini: rationally
理性の無い: riseinonai: irrational, senseless <<<
理性に従う: riseinishitagau: listen to [follow the dictates of] reason <<<
理性に訴える: riseiniuttaeru: appeal to a person's reason <<<
理性を備える: riseiosonaeru: be endowed with reason <<<
理性を欠く: riseiokaku: be devoid of reason <<<
理性を失う: riseioushinau: lose one's reason <<<

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