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Direct access: 立法 , 立方 , 立案 , 利点 , 離島 , 理念 , 理髪 , 利幅 , 離反 , 略語


pronunciation: rippou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , law
translation: legislation, lawmaking
立法の: rippouno: legislative
立法上の: rippoujouno <<<
立法府: rippouhu: legislature <<<
立法部: rippoubu <<<
立法者: rippousha: legislator, lawmaker <<<
立法権: rippouken: legislative power <<<
立法機関: rippoukikan: legislative organ, legislature <<< 機関
議員立法: giinrippou: parliamentary act <<< 議員
related words: 行政


pronunciation: rippou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: cube
立方の: rippouno: cubic
立方体: rippoutai: cube <<<
立方根: rippoukon: cubic root <<<
立方積: rippouseki: volume <<<
立方メートル: rippoumeetoru: cubic meter <<< メートル
一立方メートル: ichirippoumeetoru: one cubic meter <<<
related words: 平方


pronunciation: ritsuan
kanji characters: ,
translation: planning
立案する: ritsuansuru: form [draw up] a plan, frame, design
立案者: ritsuansha: planner, framer of a project <<<
synonyms: 企画 , 計画


pronunciation: riten
kanji characters: ,
translation: advantage, bulge
利点が有る: ritengaaru: have advantage (over) <<<


pronunciation: ritou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: detached island


pronunciation: rinen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: philosophy
translation: idea, concept, ideology
理念に富む: rinennnitomu: full of ideas <<<
理念界: rinenkai: mindscape, world of ideas <<<
related words: アイデア


pronunciation: rihatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: hairdressing
理髪師: rihatsushi: barber, hair-dresser <<<
理髪店: rihatsuten: barber shop <<<


pronunciation: rihaba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: profit margin


pronunciation: rihan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: estrangement, alienation
離反する: rihansuru: be estranged [alienated] (from), revolt (against)


pronunciation: ryakugo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: abbreviation, abbreviated word

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