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Direct access: 短冊 , 短縮 , 短所 , 端緒 , 単身 , 短針 , 単純 , 誕生 , 箪笥 , 淡水


pronunciation: tanzaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fest
translation: narrow (fancy) paper tablet, strip of paper
短冊に切る: tanzakunikiru: slice thinly <<<


pronunciation: tanshuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: shortening, curtailment, reduction
短縮する: tanshukusuru: shorten, curtail, reduce
操業短縮: sougyoutanshuku: short-time operation <<< 操業


pronunciation: tansho
kanji characters: ,
translation: weak point, shortcoming, fault
短所を補う: tanshoooginau: make up for a defect <<<
短所を直す: tanshoonaosu: remedy a defect <<<
長所短所: choushotansho: merits and demerits, strong and weak points <<< 長所
antonyms: 長所


pronunciation: tansho, tancho
kanji characters: ,
translation: start, beginning, origin
端緒を開く: tanshoohiraku: begin, start, , commence, initiate <<<
related words: 起源


pronunciation: tanshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: alone, by oneself, leaving one's family behind
単身で: tanshinde
単身で赴任する: tanshindehuninsuru: live far from one's family for a job <<< 赴任
単身者: tanshinsha: unmarried person <<<
related words: 独身


pronunciation: tanshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: short [hour] hand (of clock)
related words: 長針


pronunciation: tanjun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , science
translation: simplicity
単純な: tanjunnna: simple, simple-hearted, simple-minded, elementary, primitive
単純化: tanjunka: simplification <<<
単純化する: tanjunkasuru: simplify
単純骨折: tanjunkossetsu: simple fracture <<< 骨折
related words: 複雑


pronunciation: tanjou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fest , life
translation: birth, nativity
誕生する: tanjousuru: be born
誕生を祝う: tanjouoiwau: celebrate the birth (of) <<<
誕生祝: tanjouiwai: celebration of one's birthday
誕生地: tanjouchi: one's birthplace <<<
誕生日: tanjoubi: birthday, birth anniversary <<<
誕生日御目出度う: tanjoubiomedetou: happy birthday
synonyms: 生誕 , 出生


pronunciation: tansu
other spells: タンス
keyword: furniture
translation: chest of drawers, cabinet
箪笥の引出し: tansunohikidashi: drawer <<< 引出
箪笥貯金: tansuchokin: hoarded money <<< 貯金
整理箪笥: seiridansu: commode <<< 整理
洋服箪笥: youhukudansu: wardrobe <<< 洋服
ベビー箪笥: bebiidansu: small-sized commode <<< ベビー
related words: クローゼット


pronunciation: tansui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: fresh water
淡水魚: tansuigyo: freshwater fish <<<
淡水湖: tansuiko: fresh-water lake <<<
related words: 海水 , 真水

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