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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 54 , 55 , 56 , 57 , 58 , 59 , 60 , 61 , 62 , 63 , 64 , 65 , 66
Direct access: 停留所 , 定例 , 手打 , 手押 , 手織 , 手掛り , 手形 , 手刀 , 手紙 , 手軽


pronunciation: teiryuusho
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: transport
translation: stopping place, bus [tram] stop
電車停留所: denshateiryuujo: tramcar [tram] stop <<< 電車
related words:


pronunciation: teirei
kanji characters: ,
translation: custom, usage
定例の: teireino: ordinary, regular, usual
定例により: teireiniyori: according to custom
定例閣議: teireikakugi: ordinary Cabinet council [meeting]
synonyms: 慣習 , 習慣


pronunciation: teuchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , crime
translation: reconciliation, execution
手打にする: teuchinisuru: strike a bargain, put (a person) to the sword in person
手打式: teuchishiki: closing ceremony, peacemaking ceremony <<<
手打蕎麦: teuchisoba: handmade buckwheat vermicelli <<< 蕎麦


pronunciation: teoshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: tool
translation: hand working [operating]
手押車: teoshiguruma: handcart, pushcart <<<
手押ポンプ: teoshiponpu: manual fire engine, hand pump, hand operated pump <<< ポンプ
related words: マニュアル


pronunciation: teori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: handweaving
手織の: teorino: hand-woven, homespun (a.)
手織物: teorimono: homespun (n.) <<<
手織木綿: teorimomen: hand-woven [homespun] cotton cloth <<< 木綿


pronunciation: tegakari
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 手懸り
translation: hold, clue, key
手掛りを得る: tegakarioeru: get one the track (of), find a clue (to), find the trace (of) <<<
手掛りを掴む: tegakariotsukamu <<<


pronunciation: tegata
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: draft, bill
手形で支払う: tegatadeshiharau: pay by a draft <<< 支払
手形を振り出す: tegataohuridasu: draw a bill
手形を落とす: tegataootosu: honor a bill <<<
手形交換: tegatakoukan: clearing <<< 交換
手形勘定: tegatakanjou: account of exchange <<< 勘定
手形支払: tegatashiharai: payment by note <<< 支払
手形信用: tegatashinnyou: bill credit <<< 信用
手形取引: tegatatorihiki: bill transaction <<< 取引
手形割引: tegatawaribiki: bank discount <<< 割引
空手形: karategata: fictitious bill, empty promise <<<
短期手形: tankitegata: short-dated bill <<< 短期
不渡手形: huwataritegata: dishonored [bad] bill <<< 不渡
振出手形: huridashitegata: bill of exchange <<< 振出
為替手形: kawasetegata: bill of exchange, draft <<< 為替
支払手形: shiharaitegata: bill [note] payable <<< 支払
預金手形: yokintegata: certificate of deposit <<< 預金
送金手形: soukintegata: remittance draft [bill] <<< 送金
外貨手形: gaikategata: foreign currency bill <<< 外貨
輸出手形: yushutsutegata: export bill <<< 輸出
輸入手形: yushutsutegata: import bill <<< 輸入
割引手形: waribikitegata: discounted bill <<< 割引
長期手形: choukitagata: long-dated [long-term] bill <<< 長期
銀行手形: ginkoutegata: bank draft <<< 銀行
related words: 小切手


pronunciation: tegatana
kanji characters: ,
keyword: martial art
translation: side of the hand


pronunciation: tegami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: letter, note
手紙で: tegamide: by letter
手紙を出す: tegamiodasu: send a letter <<<
手紙を書く: tegamiokaku: write a letter <<<
問合せの手紙: toiawasenotegami: letter of inquiry <<< 問合せ
言訳の手紙: iiwakenotegami: letter of apology <<< 言訳
related words: 葉書 , メール


pronunciation: tegaru
kanji characters: ,
translation: easiness, simplicity
手軽な: tegaruna: easy, simple, informal, cheap, handy
手軽に: tegaruni: easily, ready, simply, informally, on the cheap
手軽な料理: tegarunaryouri: light meal <<< 料理 , 軽食
手軽な昼食: tegarunachuushoku: light lunch <<< 昼食 , ランチ , スナック
手軽に考える: tegarunikangaeru: take (a matter) easy <<<
related words: 簡単

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