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Direct access: “V˜Ľ , “X“ŕ , “V‘R , “Vc , “V‰¤Ż , “]”k , “]”„ , “V”ą , “V”‰ , “V‰Î


pronunciation: tendon
kanji characters: “V , ˜Ľ
keyword: japanese food
translation: tendon (a bowl of rice with fried fish and vegetables)
related words: “V•w—…


pronunciation: tennnai
kanji characters: “X , “ŕ
keyword: shop
translation: inside shop


pronunciation: tennnen
kanji characters: “V , ‘R
keyword: nature
translation: nature, spontaneity
“V‘R‚Ě: tennnennno: natural
“V‘R‚Ě”ü: tennnennnobi: natural beauty, beauties of nature <<< ”ü
“V‘R“—: tennnentou: smallpox <<< “—
“V‘RH: tennnenshoku: natural food <<< H
“V‘RF: tennnenshoku: natural color <<< F
“V‘RFŽĘ^: tennnenshokushashin: color photograph <<< ŽĘ^
“V‘RF‰f‰ć: tennnenshokueiga: color film <<< ‰f‰ć
“V‘RŽ‘Œš: tennnenshigen: natural resource <<< Ž‘Œš
“V‘R‹L”O•¨: tennnenkinenbutsu: natural monument
“V‘RƒKƒX: tennnengasu: natural gas <<< ƒKƒX
synonyms: ŽŠ‘R


pronunciation: tennnou
kanji characters: “V , c
keyword: japanese history
translation: Japanese emperor
“Vc§: tennnousei: imperial regime <<< §
“Vc•Ă‰ş: tennnouheika: His Majesty The Emperor <<< •Ă‰ş
“Vcˆę‰Ć: tennnouikka: imperial family <<< ˆę‰Ć
–žŽĄ“Vc: meijitennnou: Emperor of Meiji (1852-1912) <<< –žŽĄ
ş˜a“Vc: shouwatennnou: Hirohito, emperor of Showa Era (1901-1989) <<< ş˜a
related words: c’é


pronunciation: tennnousei
kanji characters: “V , ‰¤ , Ż
keyword: astronomy
translation: Uranus


pronunciation: tenba
kanji characters: “] , ”k
keyword: family
translation: tomboy, hussy, minx
Œä“]”k: otenba <<< Œä
Œä“]”k‚Č: otenbana: romping, hoydenish


pronunciation: tenbai
kanji characters: “] , ”„
keyword: business
translation: resale
“]”„‚ˇ‚é: tenbaisuru: resell
“]”„o—ˆ‚é: tenbaidekiru: resalable, resaleable <<< o—ˆ


pronunciation: tenbatsu
kanji characters: “V , ”ą
keyword: religion
translation: Heaven's judgment, retribution, scourge, Nemesis
“V”ą‚đŽó‚Ż‚é: tenbatsuoukeru: incur Heaven's retribution <<< Žó
“V”ą‚đ”í‚é: tenbatsuokoumuru <<< ”í
“V”ąćU–Ę: tenbatsutekimen: Swift is Heaven's vengeance


pronunciation: tenbin
kanji characters: “V
keyword: business , astronomy
translation: balance, steelyard, beam
“V”‰‚ÉŠ|‚Ż‚é: tenbinnnikakeru: weigh in the balance <<< Š|
“V”‰‚Ĺ—Ę‚é: tenbindehakaru <<< —Ę
“V”‰–_: tenbinbou: pole <<< –_
“V”‰–_‚Ĺ’S‚Ž: tenbinboudekatsugu: carry on a pole <<< ’S
“V”‰Ŕ: tenbinza: Libra, Balance <<< Ŕ


pronunciation: tenpi
kanji characters: “V , ‰Î
keyword: food
translation: oven
“V‰Î‚ĹÄ‚­: tenpideyaku: bake in an oven <<< Ä
related words: ƒI[ƒuƒ“

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