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Direct access: 受取 , 受身 , 受持 , 胡散 , 薄型 , 渦巻 , 右折 , 嘘吐き , 歌声 , 歌姫


pronunciation: uketori
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 受け取
keyword: accounting , transport
translation: reception, receipt, voucher
受取る: uketoru: receive, accept, get, come to hand, take, understand, believe
受取を出す: uketoriodasu: acknowledge receipt of sth. <<<
受取人: uketorinin: recipient, remittee, beneficiary <<<
受取帳: uketorichou: receipt book <<<
受取証: uketorishou: receipt, quittance <<< , レシート
受取通知: uketoritsuuchi: acknowledgment of receipt, proof of delivery <<< 通知
related words: 領収 , 受理


pronunciation: ukemi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 受け身
keyword: sport , grammar
translation: passive (voice), defensive position
受身の: ukemino: passive, (on the) defensive
受身に成る: ukemininaru: be on the defensive, lose the initiative <<<


pronunciation: ukemochi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 受け持
keyword: job
translation: charge, assignment
受持つ: ukemotsu: take [be in] charge of, have (a matter) under one's charge
受持教師: ukemochikyoushi: teacher in charge (of), class [homeroom] teacher <<< 教師
受持区域: ukemochikuiki: district assigned [allotted] to one, one's beat, one's territory <<< 区域
受持時間: ukemochijikan: one's teaching [class] hours <<< 時間


pronunciation: usan
kanji characters: ,
translation: doubtfulness, dubiousness
胡散臭い: usankusai: suspicious, doubtful, dubious, murky <<< ,


pronunciation: usugata
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology
translation: thin model
薄型テレビ: usugataterebi: plasma tv, LCD tv <<< テレビ


pronunciation: uzumaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature , art
translation: whirlpool, eddy, vortex
渦巻く: uzumaku: whirl, swirl (v.)
渦巻状: uzumakijou: volution, swirl (n.) <<<
渦巻形: uzumakigata <<<
渦巻管: uzumakikan: cochlea <<<
渦巻線: uzumakisen: spiral <<<
渦巻発条: uzumakibane: spiral spring <<< 発条
渦巻模様: uzumakimoyou: scrollwork <<< 模様
渦巻ポンプ: uzumakiponpu: spiral pump <<< ポンプ
related words: 螺旋


pronunciation: usetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car
translation: right turn
右折する: usetsusuru: turn to the right
右折禁止: usetsukinshi: No right turn <<< 禁止
related words: 左折


pronunciation: usotsuki
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 嘘つき
keyword: crime
translation: liar
嘘吐き食品: usotsukishokuhin: adulterated food <<< 食品


pronunciation: utagoe
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: singing voice


pronunciation: utahime
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , music
translation: female singer
related words: 歌手

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