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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9
Direct access: 打掛 , 内側 , 内気 , 打水 , 宇宙 , 有頂天 , 団扇 , 宇都宮 , 鬱病 , 腕組


pronunciation: uchikake
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 打ち掛
keyword: clothes , game
translation: long outer garment (to put over a kimono), break of a shogi or go game (to continue the next day)
打掛にする: uchikakenisuru: leave a shogi or go game unfinished (to continue the next day)
related words: 着物 , 将棋 , 囲碁


pronunciation: uchigawa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: inner side, inside (n.)
内側の: uchigawano: inside (a.), inner
内側から: uchigawakara: from inside [within]
antonyms: 外側


pronunciation: uchiki
kanji characters: ,
translation: bashfulness, shyness, timidity
内気な: uchikina: bashful, shy, reserved, timid, skittish, of a retiring disposition
related words: 遠慮


pronunciation: uchimizu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 打ち水
keyword: town
translation: watering
打水をする: uchimizuosuru: water (v.), sprinkle water (on)
庭に打水をする: niwaniuchimizuosuru: water the garden <<<


pronunciation: uchuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: astronomy , airplane
translation: cosmos, universe, space
宇宙の: uchuuno: space (a.), cosmic
宇宙人: uchuujin: spaceman, alien <<<
宇宙服: uchuuhuku: space suit <<<
宇宙船: uchuusen: spaceship, space craft <<<
宇宙塵: uchuujin: cosmic dust <<<
宇宙線: uchuusen: cosmic rays <<<
宇宙論: uchuuron: cosmology <<<
宇宙旅行: uchuuryokou: space travel <<< 旅行
宇宙兵器: uchuuheiki: space weapon <<< 兵器
宇宙空間: uchuukuukan: outer space <<< 空間
宇宙飛行: uchuuhiko: space flight <<< 飛行
宇宙飛行士: uchuuhikoushi: astronaut, spaceman <<<
宇宙ロケット: uchuuroketto: space rocket <<< ロケット
宇宙ステーション: uchuusuteeshon: space station <<< ステーション
宇宙センター: uchuusentaa: space center <<< センター
related words: コスモス


pronunciation: uchouten
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: buddhism
translation: Bhav?gra, ecstasy, delight
有頂天に成る: uchoutennninaru: go into ecstasies (over), be beside oneself (with joy), be enraptured, be exalted, walk [tread] on air <<<


pronunciation: uchiwa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accessory
translation: round fan
団扇を使う: uchiwaotsukau: fan (v.), use a (round) fan <<< 使
団扇で煽ぐ: uchiwadeaogu <<<
左団扇: hidariuchiwa: abundance, prosperity, easy life <<<
左団扇で暮す: hidariuchiwadekurasu: live in abundance, live on living in comfort <<<
related words: 扇子


pronunciation: utsunomiya
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: japan
translation: Utsunomiya (city)
宇都宮市: utsunomiyashi: City of Utsunomiya (Tochigi) <<<
related words: 栃木


pronunciation: utsubyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: (nervous) depression
躁鬱病: souutsubyou: manic-depressive insanity [disorder, illness]
躁鬱病患者: souutsubyoukanja: manic-depressive <<< 患者


pronunciation: udegumi
kanji characters: ,
translation: folded arms
腕組して: udegumishite: with folded arms

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