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Direct access: 馬乗 , 旨味 , 馬屋 , 海猫 , 海辺 , 有無 , 埋立 , 梅干 , 羽毛 , 右翼


pronunciation: umanori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: bestriding
馬乗に成る: umanorininaru: sit astride <<<
related words: 乗馬


pronunciation: umami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: taste, flavor, relish
旨味の有る: umaminoaru: tasty, palatable, refined, profitable <<<
旨味の無い: umaminonai: unsavory, flat, dry, unprofitable <<<
related words: 美味


pronunciation: umaya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: stable, barn


pronunciation: umineko
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ウミネコ
keyword: bird
translation: seagull
related words:


pronunciation: umibe
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sea
translation: seashore
海辺の: umibeno: coastal
海辺の町: umibenomachi: seacoast town, town along the coast <<<
海辺を散歩する: umibeosanposuru: stroll about the beach <<< 散歩
related words: 浜辺 , 海岸


pronunciation: umu
kanji characters: ,
translation: existence, presence, yes or no
有無を言わせず: umuoiwasezu: forcibly, whether one will or not, willy-nilly <<<
有無相通じる: umuaitsuujiru: supply each other's needs [wants]


pronunciation: umetate
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 埋め立
keyword: construction
translation: reclamation
埋立てる: umetateru: reclaim (land), fill in, drain
埋立地: umetatechi: reclaimed ground <<<
埋立工事: umetatekouji: drainage <<< 工事


pronunciation: umeboshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese food
translation: pickled plum


pronunciation: umou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: feathers, plumes, plumage, down
羽毛の有る: umounoaru: feathered <<<
羽毛布団: umouhuton: duvet; comforter <<< 布団


pronunciation: uyoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: right wing, right field, rightist, right-winger
右翼の: uyokuno: rightist
右翼的: uyokuteki <<<
右翼手: uyokushu: right fielder (in baseball) <<<
右翼団体: uyokudantai: rightist [right-wing] organization <<< 団体
右翼分子: uyokubunshi: right-wing element <<< 分子
related words: 左翼

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