Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
Direct access: 綿毛 , 私達 , 渡り鳥 , 話題 , 和風 , 和服 , 和文 , 和平 , 和訳 , 割合


pronunciation: watage
kanji characters: 綿 ,
keyword: bird , fabric
translation: down
綿毛の: watageno: fluffy, fleecy
綿毛に覆われた: watagenioowareta: downy <<<


pronunciation: watashitachi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 私たち
translation: we, us
私達は: watashitachiwa: we are
私達の: watashitachino: our
私達の物: watashitachinomono: ours <<<
私達に: watashitachini: us, to us
私達へ: watashitachie
synonyms: 我々 , 我等


pronunciation: wataridori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: bird of passage, migratory bird
antonyms: 留鳥


pronunciation: wadai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: subject, topic
話題にする: wadainisuru: talk about, bring a topic up for discussion
話題に上る: wadaininoboru: be talked about, be referred to, become a subject of conversation <<<
話題を変える: wadaiokaeru: change the subject (topic) <<<


pronunciation: wahuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Japanese style
和風の: wahuuno: of [in] Japanese style
antonyms: 洋風


pronunciation: wahuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: Japanese clothes, kimono
和服を着た: wahukuokita: kimonoed <<<
synonyms: 着物
antonyms: 洋服


pronunciation: wabun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: Japanese sentence [writing]
和文英訳: wabunneiyaku: translation from English to Japanese, Japanese-English translation
和文英訳する: wabunneiyakusuru: translate Japanese into English
和文仏訳: wabunhutsuyaku: translation from French to Japanese, Japanese-French translation
和文仏訳する: wabunhutsuyakusuru: translate Japanese into French
和文独訳: wabundokuyaku: translation from German to Japanese, Japanese-German translation
和文独訳する: wabundokuyakusuru: translate Japanese into German
和文電報: wabundenpou: telegram in Japanese <<< 電報
related words: 日本語


pronunciation: wahei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , politics
translation: peace
和平交渉: waheikoushou: peace negotiations <<< 交渉
related words: 平和


pronunciation: wayaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: Japanese translation
和訳する: wayakusuru: translate [put, turn] into Japanese
和訳聖書: wayakuseisho: Japanese translation [version] of the Bible <<< 聖書


pronunciation: wariai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: rate, ratio, proportion
割合に: wariaini: comparatively, relatively
割合に高い: wariainitakai: rather expensive <<<
の割合で: nowariaide: in the rate of
related words: , レート

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