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Direct access: 割当 , 割算 , 割高 , 割箸 , 割引 , 割符 , 悪口 , 悪者 , 割れ目 , 我等


pronunciation: wariate
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 割り当
keyword: business , job
translation: assignment, allotment, distribution
割当る: wariateru: assign, allot, allocate
割当量: wariateryou: a quota, an allotment <<<
割当額: wariategaku: allotted amount <<<
割当制度: wariateseido: quota system <<< 制度
輸出割当: yushutsuwariate: export quota <<< 輸出


pronunciation: warizan
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 割り算
keyword: mathematics
translation: division
割算をする: warizannosuru: divide
related words: 足算 , 引算 , 掛算


pronunciation: waridaka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: comparatively [relatively] high price [cost]
割高な: waridakana: comparatively [relatively] high-priced


pronunciation: waribashi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 割り箸
keyword: utensil
translation: half-split chopsticks


pronunciation: waribiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , finance
translation: discount (n.), reduction
割引する: waribikisuru: discount (v.), reduce
割引して: waribikishite: at reduced prices, at a discount
割引券: waribikiken: discount coupon <<<
割引料: waribikiryou: discount charge, reduced fare <<<
割引料金: waribikiryoukin <<< 料金
割引時間: waribikijikan: reduced fare hours <<< 時間
割引率: waribikiritsu: discount rate <<<
割引手形: waribikitegata: discounted bill <<< 手形
割引債券: waribikisaiken: discount bond
割引債: waribikisai: zero-coupon bond <<<
五割引: gowaribiki: fifty percent discount <<<
二割引: niwaribiki: twenty percent discount <<<
手形割引: tegatawaribiki: bank discount <<< 手形
学生割引: gakuseiwaribiki: student rate, price reduction for students <<< 学生
一括割引: ikkatsuwaribiki: global discount <<< 一括
現金割引: genkinwaribiki: cash discount <<< 現金
団体割引: dantaiwaribiki: party reduction <<< 団体
synonyms: 値引


pronunciation: warihu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 割り符
keyword: history , war
translation: tally


pronunciation: warukuchi
kanji characters: ,
translation: abuse (n.), abusive [foul] language, slander
悪口を言う: warukuchioiu: abuse, speak ill of (a person), call (a person) names <<<


pronunciation: warumono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: bad fellow, rogue, knave
人を悪者にする: hitoowarumononisuru: lay the blame on a person <<<
related words: 悪人


pronunciation: wareme
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: crack (n.), crevice, fissure, chasm
割れ目が出来る: waremegadekiru: crack (v.), cleave, split <<< 出来
synonyms: 亀裂


pronunciation: warera
kanji characters: ,
translation: we, us
我等の: warerano: our
我等に: warerani: us, to us
synonyms: 我々 , 私達

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