Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: religion
Number of strokes: 9
translation: believe, belief, conviction, truth, mail, sign, signal
信ずる: shinzuru: believe, accept [take] as true, believe in, trust, credit
信じる: shinjiru
信ずべき: shinzubeki: credible, reliable, trustworthy
信ずべき筋: shinzubekisuji: reliable [sure] source <<<
信じられない: shinjirarenai: incredible, unbelievable
信じ難い: shinjigatai <<<
信: makoto: truth <<< , ,
信: tayori: letter, mail, post <<< 便
信: shirushi: sign, signal <<< ,
Expressions: 直ぐ信じる , 神を信じる

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