Japanese display

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 6
translation: think, consider, suspect, intend, mean, expect, fear, hope, imagine, suppose, judge, conclude
考え: kangae: thinking, thought, idea, notion, conception, initiative, one's opinion [views], belief, suggestion, intention, design, plan, view, motive, discretion, prudence, judgment, deliberation, reflection, meditation, expectation, imagination
考えを述べる: kangaeonoberu: express one's opinion, make a suggestion <<<
考えを言う: kangaeoiu, kangaeoyuu <<<
考えを変える: kangaeokaeru: change one's opinion <<<
考えの有る: kangaenoaru: thoughtful, discreet <<<
考え深い: kangaebukai <<<
考えの無い: kangaenonai: thoughtless, imprudent <<<
考えの足りない: kangaenotarinai <<<
考えに入れる: kangaeniireru: take (a matter) into consideration <<<
考え込む: kangaekomu: be lost [buried, absorbed] in thought, brood (over, on) <<<
考え出す: kangaedasu: think out, devise, hit upon, think up, recall, recollect, call to mind, fall to thinking <<<
考え付く: kangaetsuku: guess, strike on [upon], get away with, think of <<<
考え直す: kangaenaosu: reconsider, think over again, think better, refrain from (doing) <<<
考える: kangaeru: think (of, about), consider, deem (as), suspect, intend [mean] to (do), think of (doing), expect, fear, hope, imagine, suppose, judge, conclude, take (a matter) into consideration [account], regard (a person) as, take (a thing, a person) as [for]

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