Japanese display


category: to learn in school
keyword: travel
Number of strokes: 12
translation: cross over (by ship), go over
n: wataru: cross over, go over, walk [run, ride, drive, sail] across, ferry, live (jp.)
n: watari: ferry (n.), migration, consultation (jp.)
nɑD: watarinihune: timely rescue [help], chance, grist for [to] one's mill <<< D
nt: watariotsukeru: come to an understanding (with), get in touch (with), contact (a person) <<< t
n荇: watariau: cross swords (with), fight, argue [have words] (with) <<<
n: watariaruku: wander from place to place <<<
n: watasu: pass (jp.), give
Expressions: n , n , n , n , ݓn , n , Pn , ݓn , n

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