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category: to learn in school
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 4
translation: cow, ox
gyuu, go
: ushi
: ushiokau: keep cows, raise cattle <<<
̌Q: ushinomure: herd of cattle <<< Q
̕: ushinoayumi: snail's pace <<<
̍: ushinohone: man of doubtful origin <<<
: gyuujiru: take command of, take the lead (in), control (a person), defeat (a person in) <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 7
translation: male, ox, bull
bo, bou, mou
: osu: male <<< Y

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 10
translation: ox (org.), in particular, alone (conf.)
: hitori: one person, alone <<< l
: oushi: ox <<<
: kotoni: especially, particularly, in particular, above all, of all things, among others, moreover <<<
: tokuni: especially, particularly, in particular, on purpose, expressly


category: common usage
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 12
translation: male, brave, hero
Y: osu: male (n.)
Y: o
Y: osuno: male (a.)
Y̌: osunoinu: male dog <<< , Y
Y̔L: osunoneko: male cat, he-cat, tomcat <<< L , YL
Y̋: osunoushi: ox, bull <<< ,
Y̔n: osunouma: male horse <<< n
Y̓: osunobuta: male pig, hog, boar <<<
Y̗r: osunohitsuji: ram <<< r
Y̓e: osunousagi: male rabbit <<< e
Y̒: osunotori: male bird <<<
Y: o, katsu, kata, take: pers.


category: JIS1
keyword: time , calendar
Number of strokes: 4
translation: year of the ox (Chinese Zodiac), 2h am
chou, chu
N: ushi: ox (zod.) <<<

pronunciation: oushi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: Y
keyword: animal , astronomy
translation: ox, bull
: oushiza: Taurus <<<

pronunciation: yagyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: wild ox, buffalo, bison
related words: obt@[

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