Japanese display

category: JIS1
keyword: society
Number of strokes: 15
translation: talk by gathering
噂: uwasa: rumor (n., jp.), report, gossip, hearsay
噂する: uwasasuru: rumor (v., jp.), speak [talk] (on, about), gossip (about)
噂によると: uwasaniyoruto: according to a rumor [report]
噂に上る: uwasaninoboru: be talked [gossiped] about <<<
噂に成る: uwasaninaru <<<
噂を立てる: uwasaotateru: spread [circulate] a rumor, set a rumor afloat <<<
噂を流す: uwasaonagasu <<<
噂を聞く: uwasaokiku: hear of, know by hearsay <<<
噂をすれば影: uwasaosurebakage: 'Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear' <<<
related words: ゴシップ

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