Japanese display

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: hurry, trouble, faint (conf.), obscure
慌ただしい: awatadashii: hurried, flurried, confused
慌ただしく: awatadashiku: hurriedly, in a hurry
慌てる: awateru: be confused [flurried], lose one's presence of mind, be in a hurry
慌てない: awatenai: remain calm, keep quiet
慌てるな: awateruna: Don't be in a hurry, Now you must keep your head
慌てて: awatete: in a flurry, in confusion, helter-skelter, hurriedly
慌て者: awatemono: hasty person, scatterbrain <<<
慌い: kurai: obscure <<< ,
Kanji words: 恐慌

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