Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: art
Number of strokes: 11
translation: draw, paint, sketch, describe, depict, delineate
描く: egaku: draw, paint, sketch, draw [paint] a picture of, make a picture [painting, drawing, sketch] of, describe, depict, delineate, picture (a matter) in one's mind, imagine, visualize
Kanji words: 描写 , 絵描 , 素描
Expressions: 輪を描く , 眉を描く , 絵を描く , 円を描く , 心に描く , 漫画を描く , 輪郭を描く , 半円を描く , 曲線を描く , 横顔を描く , 人物を描く , クレヨンで描く

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