Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 9
translation: ruin, devastate, wreck
荒れる: areru: run waste, fall to ruin
荒らす: arasu: devastate, wreck, ruin
荒い: arai: violent (jp.)
荒: are: storm (jp.), chaps (of skin)
荒れ狂う: arekuruu: rage (v.) <<<
荒む: susamu: grow wild, lead a wild life
Kanji words: 山荒 , 荒廃 , 荒唐無稽 , 荒野
Expressions: 舌が荒れる , 吹き荒ぶ , 踏み荒す , 荒れ模様 , 縄張りを荒す , 荒利益

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