Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: clothes
Number of strokes: 12
translation: wear (v.), be dressed, make up, pretend
sou, shou
装う: yosoou: wear [put on] (a dress), be dressed [attired] (in), dress oneself (in), make one's toilet, make (oneself) up, pretend, affect, assume, fein
装い: yosooi: array, dress, attire, toilet, makeup
Kanji words: 武装 , 偽装 , 塗装 , 内装 , 装甲 , 仮装 , 変装 , 装丁 , 装備 , 包装 , 服装 , 衣装 , 装置 , 装飾 , 改装 , 男装 , 女装
Expressions: 春の装い , 平気を装う

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