Japanese display

category: JIS1
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 4
translation: nail, claw, talon, grip
爪: tsume: nail, claw, talon, grip
爪の有る: tsumenoaru: clawed, nailed <<<
爪の垢: tsumenoaka: dirt in [under] the nails <<<
爪を研ぐ: tsumeotogu: whet the claws <<<
爪を切る: tsumeokiru: cut [pare, trim] one's nails <<<
爪を噛む: tsumeokamu: bite [gnaw] one's nails <<<
爪を立てる: tsumeotateru: dig one's nails into <<<
爪を伸ばす: tsumeonobasu: let one's nails grow (long) <<<
爪で引っ掻く: tsumedehikkaku: scratch
Kanji words: 鉤爪 , 爪切り , 爪痕 , 爪先
Expressions: 指の爪 , 猫の爪 , 爪楊枝 , 親指の爪

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