Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 9
translation: disobey, revolt, rebel, betray, back
背: se, sei: back, height (jp.)
背の高い: senotakai, seinotakai: tall, of high stature <<<
背の低い: senohikui, seinohikui: small, of low stature <<<
背が立つ: segatatsu: be able to stand (in water) <<<
背が立たない: segatatanai: be unable to stand (in water) <<<
背に腹は代えられぬ: seniharahakaerarenu: Necessity is a hard master, My shirt is nearer the skin than my coat
背負う: seou, shou: carry [have] (a thing) on the back, shoulder (v.) <<<
背負わせる: seowaseru, showaseru: load, burden (a person with a thing) <<<
背く: somuku: act contrary to, go against, disobey, break, violate, revolt [rebel] (against), rise [turn] against, betray <<< 裏切
背: ushiro: behind, back <<<
Kanji words: 背骨 , 背中 , 背伸 , 背信 , 背景 , 背泳ぎ , 背教 , 猫背
Expressions: 刀の背 , 道に背く , 規律に背く , 命令に背く , 道理に背いた , 忠告に背く

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