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pronunciation: kaze
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: cold, chill, influenza
風邪を引く: kazeohiku: catch cold <<<
風邪を引いている: kazeohiiteiru: have a cold
風邪を引き易い: kazeohikiyasui: catch a cold easily <<<
風邪が治らない: kazeganaoranai: cannot get away from the cold <<<
風邪を移す: kazeoutsusu: infect a person with a cold <<<
風邪が流行る: kazegahayaru: Flu is raging <<< 流行
風邪気味である: kazegimidearu: have a slight cold <<< 気味
風邪薬: kazegusuri: antiflu drug <<<
酷い風邪: hidoikaze: serious cold <<<
軽い風邪: karuikaze: slight cold <<<
鼻風邪: hanakaze: cold in the nose <<<
御多福風邪: otahukukaze: mumps, parotitis <<< 御多福
related words: 感冒 , インフルエンザ

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