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pronunciation: shikkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: execution, enforcement, performance
執行する: shikkousuru: execute, carry out, enforce, carry into effect [execution], celebrate, hold
刑を執行する: keioshikkousuru: execute a sentence <<<
執行者: shikkousha: executor <<<
執行官: shikkoukan: bailiff <<<
執行権: shikkouken: executive power <<<
執行委員: shikkouiin: executive committee man, business agent <<< 委員
執行委員会: shikkouiinkai: executive committee <<<
執行機関: shikkoukikan: executive organ <<< 機関
執行手続: shikkoutetsuZuki: execution proceedings [formalities] <<< 手続
執行命令: shikkoumeirei: order of execution <<< 命令
執行猶予: shikkouyuuyo: probation, reprieve <<< 猶予
執行猶予に成る: shikkouyuuyoninaru: be given a suspended sentence <<<
死刑執行: shikeishikkou: execution <<< 死刑
強制執行: kyouseishikkou: compulsory execution <<< 強制
職務を執行する: shokumuoshikkousuru: discharge [perform] one's duties <<< 職務

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