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pronunciation: teiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport , finance
translation: regularity, periodicity, pass ticket, season ticket
定期の: teikino: regular, periodic, periodical
定期的: teikiteki <<<
定期的に: teikitekini: at a fixed time, periodically, at regular intervals, regularly
定期券: teikiken: season ticket, commutation ticket <<<
定期券で通う: teikikendekayou: commute <<<
定期船: teikisen: regular liner <<<
定期航路: teikikouro: regular line <<< 航路
定期年金: teikinenkin: terminable annuity <<< 年金
定期貯金: teikichokin: fixed time deposit <<< 貯金
定期検査: teikikensa: periodical inspection <<< 検査

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