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pronunciation: kyouju
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: professor, university teacher, lessons
教授する: kyoujusuru: teach, instruct, give lessons
教授を受ける: kyoujuoukeru: take lessons <<<
教授団: kyoujudan: faculty [teaching] stuff <<<
教授会: kyoujukai: faculty meeting <<<
教授法: kyoujuhou: teaching method, pedagogy <<<
助教授: jokyouju: assistant professor <<<
準教授: junkyouju: associate professor <<<
大学教授: daigakukyouju: university [college] professor <<< 大学
出張教授: shutchoukyouju: lessons at one's pupil's home <<< 出張
名誉教授: meiyokyouju: emeritus <<< 名誉
主任教授: shuninkyouju: head [tenured, full] professor <<< 主任

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