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category: common usage
keyword: book , body
Number of strokes: 12
translation: nape, main point
項: kou: clause (jp.), paragraph, item, term, article
項: unaji: nape
Kanji words: 要項 , 項目 , 事項
Expressions: 同類項

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: stubborn, obstinate, bigoted, headstrong
頑なな: katakunana: stubborn, obstinate, bigoted, headstrong
頑なに: katakunani: stubbornly, obstinately
Kanji words: 頑張 , 頑強 , 頑固 , 頑丈
synonyms: 頑固

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: distribute, share, issue, proclaim
han, hun
頒ける: wakeru: distribute, share, allot <<< ,
頒く: shiku: issue, proclaim <<<

category: common usage
keyword: job
Number of strokes: 16
translation: ask, beg, request, rely
頼む: tanomu: ask, beg, request, as a favor, entreat, implore, solicit, entrust (a person) with (a matter), leave (a matter) to (a person), rely [depend, count] on [upon], engage, hire
頼み込む: tanomikomu: ask, beg, request, ask a favor, entreat, implore, solicit <<<
頼み: tanomi: request, solicitation
頼みを聞く: tanomiokiku: comply with a person's request <<<
頼みを断る: tanomiokotowaru: reject a person's request <<<
頼みに成る: tanomininaru: reliable, dependable, trustworthy <<<
頼みにする: tanominisuru: rely [depend] upon, trust in, look to a person for help
頼みの綱: tanominotsuna: one's only hope, one's last resort <<<
頼る: tayoru: rely on, recourse to
頼り: tayori: reliance, dependence
頼もしい: tanomoshii: reliable, trustworthy, promising, hopeful
頼もしく思う: tanomoshikuomou: place confidence [trust] in, expect [hope] much from <<< , 信頼
頼むに足らぬ: tanomunitaranu: not to be relied [depended] upon, unreliable, untrustworthy <<<
頼む所: tanomutokoro: one's (last) resort, one's (last) hope <<<
Kanji words: 依頼 , 信頼
Expressions: 衆を頼んで , 宜しく頼みます , 泣いて頼む , 末頼もしい , 計器に頼って , 直感に頼る , 留守を頼む , 取次を頼む , タクシーを頼む

category: common usage
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 17
translation: often, frequently, continually, incessantly
hin, bin
頻に: shikirini: very often, frequently, continually, incessantly, eagerly, intently, hard
Kanji words: 頻繁 , 頻度

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 18
translation: evident, obvious, appear
ken, gen
顕われる: arawareru: appear, come out, be revealed <<< ,
顕らか: akiraka: evident, obvious, clear <<<
Kanji words: 顕著 , 顕微鏡

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 21
translation: look back, reflect, consider
顧みる: kaerimiru: look back, mind, attend (to), reflect (upon), take into consideration, consider
Kanji words: 顧問 , 顧客

category: JIS1
keyword: book
Number of strokes: 9
translation: head, boss, chief, page, leaf
頁: kashira: head, boss, chief <<<
頁: peeji: page
synonyms: ページ

category: JIS1
keyword: calendar
Number of strokes: 11
translation: time, about, towards, when, while, for a while, for some time, a moment, a minute, lean, slant, incline
kei, kyou
頃: koro: time, about, towards, when, while
頃く: shibaraku: for a while, for some time, a moment, a minute <<<
Kanji words: 年頃 , 近頃 , 値頃 , 頃合
Expressions: 幼い頃に , 其の頃 , 若い頃に , 正午頃に , 青葉の頃 , 何時頃 , 新緑の頃 , 幼少の頃より

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 12
translation: beard, wait (bor.), await, use
shu, su
須く: subekaraku: by all means, necessarily, should (do), ought to (do)
須つ: matsu: wait, await <<<
須いる: mochiiru: use <<<
須: hige: beard
Kanji words: 急須 , 必須

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