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category: common usage
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 9
translation: hunt, chase
狩り: kari: hunt (n.), hunting, shooting, chase, search (jp.), excursion
狩をする: kariosuru: hunt (vt.), chase
狩る: karu: hunt, shoot
狩に行く: kariniiku: go (out) hunting [shooting] <<<
狩り立てる: karitateru: chase, hunt out <<<
Kanji words: 狩人 , 狩猟 , 鷹狩
Expressions: 魔女狩り , 松茸狩り , 松茸狩りをする , 猛獣狩

category: common usage
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 11
translation: pig, swine
豚: buta
豚の様な: butanoyouna: piggish <<<
豚の脂: butanoabura: lard <<< , ラード
Kanji words: 酢豚 , 海豚 , 河豚 , 焼豚 , 豚肉
Expressions: 雄の豚 , 紅の豚 , 豚小屋 , 豚インフルエンザ , 豚カツ , 豚コレラ
synonyms: ポーク

category: common usage
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 11
translation: hunt, chase
猟: ryou: hunt, chase, fishing (jp.) <<<
猟をする: ryouosuru: hunt, shoot
猟り: kari: hunting <<<
猟る: karu: hunt (vt.), chase
Kanji words: 密猟 , 猟犬 , 猟師 , 狩猟

category: common usage
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 12
translation: male, brave, hero
雄: osu: male (n.)
雄: o
雄の: osuno: male (a.)
雄の犬: osunoinu: male dog <<< , 雄犬
雄の猫: osunoneko: male cat, he-cat, tomcat <<< , 雄猫
雄の牛: osunoushi: ox, bull <<< , 牡牛
雄の馬: osunouma: male horse <<<
雄の豚: osunobuta: male pig, hog, boar <<<
雄の羊: osunohitsuji: ram <<<
雄の兎: osunousagi: male rabbit <<<
雄の鳥: osunotori: male bird <<<
雄: o, katsu, kata, take: pers.
Kanji words: 雄大 , 雄犬 , 雄鶏 , 雄猫 , 英雄
Expressions: 雄山羊 , 雄螺子 , 雄ライオン

category: common usage
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 13
translation: monkey, macaque
猿: saru
猿の様な: sarunoyouna: apelike, apish, monkeyish <<<
猿も木から落ちる: sarumokikaraochiru: Even the best have their failures, Even Homer sometimes nods
Expressions: 猿の惑星 , 猿真似 , 猿芝居

category: common usage
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 13
translation: female
雌: mesu: female (n.)
雌: me
雌の: mesuno: female (a.)
雌の犬: mesunoinu: female dog, she-dog <<< , 雌犬
雌の猫: mesunoneko: female cat, she-cat, queen <<< , 雌猫
雌の牛: mesunoushi: cow <<<
雌の馬: mesunouma: female horse <<<
Kanji words: 雌鹿 , 雌馬 , 雌犬 , 雌鳥 , 雌狼 , 雌猫
Expressions: 雌山羊 , 雌驢馬 , 雌螺子 , 雌ライオン

category: common usage
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 14
translation: porcupine, strong (bor.), excellent, manly, Australia (pref.)
gou, kou
豪: yamaarashi: porcupine <<< 山荒
Kanji words: 剣豪 , 富豪 , 豪邸 , 豪華 , 強豪 , 豪雨 , 豪快 , 豪州 , 豪傑
Expressions: 豪ドル
synonyms: オーストラリア

category: common usage
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 16
translation: beast, animal
juu, jiu
獣: kemono, kedamono
獣の様な: kemononoyouna, kedamononoyouna: bestial <<<
Kanji words: 野獣 , 怪獣 , 猛獣 , 獣医 , 獣姦
Expressions: 一角獣 , 肉食獣 , 獣医学
synonyms: 動物 , 畜生

category: common usage
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 19
translation: whale
鯨: kujira
Kanji words: 捕鯨
Expressions: ミンク鯨

category: JIS1
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 4
translation: tusk, fang, ivory
ga, ge
牙: kiba
牙を鳴らす: kibaonarasu: snarl [growl] (at) <<<
牙を剥く: kibaomuku: show [bare] one's teeth <<<
Kanji words: 象牙
synonyms: 犬歯

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