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Direct access: 別荘 , 別離 , 訪問 , 冒険 , 迷子 , 待合 , 道草 , 道順 , 道連れ , 道程


pronunciation: bessou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , travel
translation: cottage, villa, country house
別荘番: bessouban: villa-keeper <<<
別荘地: bessouchi: residential area <<<
貸別荘: kashibessou: villa to rent, rental villa <<<


pronunciation: betsuri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: separation
別離する: betsurisuru: part [separate] from (a person)


pronunciation: houmon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: visit (n.)
訪問する: houmonsuru: visit (v.), pay a visit, call on
訪問者: houmonsha: visitor <<<
訪問着: houmongi: visiting dress <<<
訪問記事: houmonkiji: interview <<< 記事
訪問記者: houmonkisha: interviewer, reporter <<< 記者
公式訪問: koushikihoumon: visitation, official visit <<< 公式
戸別訪問: kobetsuhoumon: house-to-house visit, door-to-door campaign <<< 戸別
取材訪問: shuzaihoumon: visit for an interview <<< 取材
親善訪問: shinzenhoumon: goodwill visit <<< 親善
自宅訪問: jitakuhoumon: house visit <<< 自宅
不意に訪問する: huinihoumonsuru: pay (a person) a surprise visit <<< 不意
synonyms: 来訪


pronunciation: bouken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature , travel
translation: adventure, risk, venture, hazard
冒険する: boukensuru: run a risk, take chances
冒険的: boukenteki: adventurous, risky, venturesome, hazardous <<<
冒険家: boukenka: adventurer <<<
冒険心: boukenshin: adventurous spirit <<<
冒険談: boukendan: story of an adventure <<<
冒険隊: boukentai: party of adventures, expedition <<<
冒険小説: boukenshousetsu: adventure novel <<< 小説
冒険事業: boukenjigyou: daring venture, reckless enterprise <<< 事業
ピノキオの冒険: pinokionobouken: The Adventures of Pinocchio <<< ピノキオ
related words: 探検


pronunciation: maigo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: missing [lost] child
迷子に成る: maigoninaru: be [get] lost, lose one's way <<<
迷子札: maigohuda: child identification's tag <<<


pronunciation: machiai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 待ち合
keyword: travel
translation: appointment, rendezvous, restaurant with geisha
待合わす: machiawasu: wait for (a person, a train), meet by appointment, date (with)
待合わせる: machiawaseru
待合室: machiaishitsu: waiting room <<<
待合所: machiaisho <<<
待合政治: machiaiseiji: behind-the-scenes political dealings <<< 政治


pronunciation: michikusa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: dawdling
道草を食う: michikusaokuu: waste time [fool about] on the [one's] way, dawdle, loiter <<<


pronunciation: michijun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: itinerary, route, course
道順を教える: michijunnooshieru: show the route <<<
related words: ルート


pronunciation: michiZure
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: fellow traveler [passenger]
道連れに成る: michiZureninaru: (happen to) travel together (with a person) <<<
旅は道連れ世は情け: tabihamichiZureyohanasake: A companion in traveling sympathy in the world (a Japanese proverb) <<<


pronunciation: michinori, doutei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: distance, stretch of road [way]

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